Page 64 of Can This Be Love?
13 June 2013.
I have sent him twenty emails.
And called him thirty-four times.
And visited his hospital three times.
15 June 2013.
Purva walked away the moment he saw me approaching. It hurt more than I had ever imagined anything could.
18 June 2013.
‘I am now losing patience with that obstinate man,’ I said exasperatedly into the phone.
‘Of course,’ said Pitajee mildly. ‘He is the one who is at fault…’
‘Yes!’ I said indignantly, conveniently ignoring the sarcasm. ‘It’s not like I went away and married the first man I found walking his dog on the street outside my house.’
‘So, Kasturi, tell me, what did you do?’
‘I just acted a little … you know … pricey,’ I said, delicately shrugging my shoulders.
‘And threw a small tantrum, which, might I add, we’re all allowed, every once in a while.’
‘And?’ Pitajee insisted.
‘Umm … returned the engagement ring,’ I replied, my voice tiny now.
‘And cancelled the wedding…’ I said, deflating like a punctured balloon.
Okay, I get it.
23 June 2013.
The latest from our revered doctor is that he has changed his phone number with the primary purpose of avoiding me. Of course, I got his new number from Anu about two milliseconds after he changed it. Ha!
27 June 2013.
I called on his new number eleven times and he did not pick up. I called him from Vijaywada’s phone and he answered instantly.
However, Purva stuck to his obstinate guns and cancelled the call the moment I said hello.
29 June 2013.
‘Dogs,’ said Mr Vijaywada, pulling a chair next to me.
‘What about them, Mr Vijaywada?’ I asked, trying hard to sound interested. The things I do to keep my job.