Page 74 of Can This Be Love?
Case in point being Anu and Pitajee. Since Dad’s operation, they have been trying to behave as normally as they can, given that Anu is about to marry Saumen. An unhappy truce seems to exist between them, where they both pretend to be immune to the other’s presence.
Only they are not. The way they grab opportunities to just be near each other breaks my heart every time.
Every time.
‘He is just very quiet,’ said Vikram, telling me about Purva. ‘Not that he wasn’t before … but … just a lot more … you know … sad…’
I knew.
‘Vikram,’ I said, looking intently at him. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Bhabhi,’ he said, looking decidedly uncomfortable ‘Don’t say that … it’s okay. I understand … girls have doubts when they’re about to get married…’
‘I’m sorry, Vikram,’ I repeated, putting my hand on his and meaning each word.
Vikram was quiet for a minute. ‘It’s all right, Bhabhi. You were my bhabhi then and we need to make sure that you continue to remain that,’ he said, winking.
‘In that case,’ said Pitajee, taking over. ‘We really need your help.’ Needless to say, Anu, Pitajee and I had plans. Devious plans.
‘Sure,’ said Vikram, more than eager to help. ‘Anything to get them back together. What do I have to do?’
‘Nothing much … you just have to lie, spy and steal,’ I said, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.
10 August 2013, 9.00 a.m.
Letter of the day – I.
Flavour of the day – Coffee and walnut.
Number of people who came to receive the cake – Twenty-two.
‘Kasturi Didi,’ whispered Ravi Singh conspiratorially to me as he and the pretty nurse came running after me.
I looked curiously at ward boy Ravi Singh. The pretty nurse nodded encouragingly at him and placed a tender hand on his shoulder. I could see that Ravi Singh almost died then and there with sheer joy.
‘Has … has Dr Dixit responded in any way?’ he finally blurted his question.
‘What?’ I asked, shocked at the audacity of the question.
‘I mean…’ fumbled Ravi Singh, ‘do you guys stand a chance of getting back together?’
‘What?’ I asked, shocked further. ‘Why do you ask?’
‘Er… you see, Kasturi Didi,’ he said, shuffling his feet, ‘people are betting.’
To say that my jaw dropped to the floor would not be an exaggeration. ‘Betting on what?’
‘On whether you will be able to win Dr Dixit back.’
I continued to stare open-mouthed.
‘So … if you … you know … give us insider information … we could … you know … make some money. There is a lot riding on this. We expect almost everyone on the staffing register to place bets, and then there are the patients too…’