Page 12 of Damaged Goods
My blood was still boiling as I stomped up to my apartment. The audacity of him getting off then telling me no had me wanting to bite it off next time.
“And he wants me to call him?” I growled to my empty apartment, just ranting as I kicked off my shoes and headed straight for the shower. They’d be occupied a while, and I was a grown ass woman, If they wanted to be involved with every orgasm, then they’d have to step up their fucking game.
As I stepped under the heated spray, some of the anger melted away. There was just something about a hot shower at the end of a long day that calmed your soul.
Well… mostly. I couldn’t keep that whole scene today out of my head. Seeing the guys handle Family business the way that they did confused me. Eros was very much the head of the Priamos family, but he wasn’t constantly interrupted like the guys were. I had a feeling if that were the case, half our Family would be dead… well, half of those that were still alive anyway.
But either way, I didn’t want to think about it or be part of it, so I shoved those thoughts away and focused instead on the important parts, like how ridiculously horny I was.
With that thought, I started to trail a hand down my wet body, thoughts of how Ky tasted and sounded leading me on. But the moment I came into contact with my wet pussy, I stopped. Ky’s warning was holding me back, which only made me angry all over again.
“Fucking great, so now I’m stuck here, horny and waiting for who the fuck knows how long, while they deal with a damn traitor.” My words echoed off the shower walls, and I refused to think about how I was so thrown off I was actually talking to myself.
As I went through the apartment after my shower, making a snack in my robe and picking up the place, I kept glancing at my phone. Of course, nothing had come in, so I just felt like a silly preteen, hanging around the phone while pining for a stupid boy. Fuck, Sana, you’re better than this, I chastised myself as I headed to the bedroom, slipping off the robe and sliding into my sheets.
No sooner had my eyes closed than the phone was ringing, a video call coming in from Kyrell. I accepted the call, not bothering to turn the light on. He said I had to video, not that they needed to see me.
“Aw, Kitten, already in bed?” he teased, and I squinted at the screen, eyes adjusting enough to take in his fairly clean appearance. I hadn’t expected that after time alone with Victor, but, as I kept telling myself, I was staying out of it.
“I got tired of waiting around,” I grumbled.
“Sorry we made you wait, Princess, but I believe we were offered a show,” Keir fired back, stepping into view. He was a lot less clean than Ky, though he was clearly ready, hand already on his hard cock as he looked at me expectantly.
Fine. If they wanted torture, they’d get it. I rolled over and reached into my nightstand, grabbing my vibrator and clicking on the light. I propped the phone up and leaned back, giving them a view of my body, all three leaning into the screen to see me.
“Spread those legs, Baby Girl. Let me see that pussy,” Kill ordered, and I slowly opened my legs, giving them what they wanted.
“Touch yourself,” Ky ordered. Clicking my vibrator on, I slid it down, teasing myself as I did. My body was already worked up thanks to waiting all night, so it didn’t take long before I was panting, failing to focus on the screen where all three of them stared with hungry eyes. They weren’t far enough from the camera for me to see if they were touching themselves, but if the movement of their arms was any indication, they definitely were, zero hesitation about being so open around each other. They were crazy, but they were my brand of crazy.
“I’m close,” I warned, my breathing ragged and legs shaking, teetering on the edge of an orgasm as Ky stepped back to show me his hand on his dick, hand pumping furiously.
“Come for us, now,” Keir directed, the guys positioning themselves so I could see them all, shoulders tense and movements getting jerky. That sight alone was enough to set me off, my orgasm tearing through me with enough force that I cried out, wave after wave of pleasure rolling through my being.
“Good girl, now go to bed,” Ky ordered, ending the call while I tried to catch my breath.
What a dick.
I’d perfected looking bored and inattentive while watching and listening to my surroundings. I hunched my shoulders and kept my head down as I walked down the street. More than once I had the feeling of eyes on me, setting off my radar, but every time I looked up, nothing was out of place. Grabbing my hot chocolate was a reprieve, but the feeling only grew more intense as I stepped back outside.
Just as I passed an alley, I noticed movement in my peripheral, then someone called out my name. I looked up just in time to see Gabe’s wide eyes before I was snatched to the side off the street, my hot chocolate spilling to the ground. A yelp escaped as I was slammed into a wall, a knife pressed into my throat by the angry man now staring into my eyes. My mind prickled, like that feeling when someone just barely drags their fingers along your skin, but I couldn’t grasp the reason behind it. Why does this guy look so familiar?
“Ah, is that a spark of recognition, Priamos? I dreamt of this moment,” he whispered, voice dripping in violence. All at once, I let my body go limp, the change in weight causing the man to loosen his grip. Taking the out, I slammed my fist into his groin before rolling away and jumping to my feet. When I was steady, I snatched my gun from its holster, pressing it into the back of the man’s head and releasing the safety. He held up his hands, slowly standing up and turning. His eyes promised murder, but I wasn’t intimidated.
“Who are you?
” I asked, narrowing my eyes when he remained silent. I pressed the gun into his forehead and leaned forward. “How did you find me?”
“Let’s just say it was an act of fate,” he said, laughing darkly. “I’ve looked for you for years, but you’re quite a bit older than the little girl I remember.” That was when it clicked.
Without thought or care, I pressed the trigger, barely blinking as blood splattered over my face and clothes. His body slumped to the ground, blood pooling around him, and I was suddenly that little girl again, reliving my first kill.
“Let’s call this your first test, Princess,” Grandfather Eros whispered excitedly, leading me into a big room. The door was a thick metal with a tiny window, like a jail cell, mainly empty except for a small table to one side and another door. I swallowed down my fear and nodded, jumping as he stepped out and slammed the door. Clutching my stuffed bear to my chest, I took deep breaths, unsure what was happening. In all of my seven years, he’d forced me to learn plenty, but this was the first time I’d feared for my life.
Before I had a chance to look around, another door opened and a group of men walked in, their suits as crisp and expensive looking as my grandfather’s. Their eyes were full of hunger and greed as they walked closer, and all I knew was I couldn’t let them touch me or take me. I’d heard enough about the kidnapping and selling of girls they’d done in the past, and I refused to be part of it. Eros was never shy about telling us the dangers in the world and how we had to fight to survive. I knew if they took me, no one would come to save me. Priamos saved ourselves.
My eyes caught on a hunting knife resting on the floor in the corner, and I lunged for it, dropping my bear so I could hold it in front of me as I trembled like a leaf. The men laughed, the sound deep and hearty as it reverberated over the walls and struck fear in my soul.
“Come here, we only want to see if you’d make a good fit for our… business. No one wants to hurt you,” he said, but I was focused on counting. Five. There were five men here to face a child. Pathetic.