Page 17 of Damaged Goods
“Well, it was by chance that we even found each other. He slammed into me… spilling my hot chocolate.” She winced dramatically, knowing just how important my morning beverage choice was to me.
“Ouch. Bad move, buddy.”
“Once Killian realized it was me, he went full asshole dom and dragged me away, eventually throwing me over his shoulder and taking me to the nightclub they own.”
“Oh, nightclub, we’ll be coming back to that one… continue,” she urged, settling into the cushions with an expectant wave of her hand.
“We get there, and he starts to undress me. At first, I’m like hell no, but it escalated into him fucking me over a table while his brothers were on speaker phone. They didn’t find
out who I was until later.”
“Oh, kinky. Leave it to Killian to break the ice with his dick,” she joked. “At least as far as men go, you have good taste. They still just as intense? We had some good times back in school.” Her eyes were wistful, likely thinking up one of the many times we’d gotten in trouble together. Usually thanks to her or Killian’s inspiration. Like the time they’d locked all the teachers in the lounge… for an entire school day. The lounge notoriously didn’t have cell service, and they’d disconnected the internet beforehand. They were never ones for half-assed plans.
“Yup. But before we continue, hold that thought,” I said, unlocking my phone and calling the diner to put in our order. Like the masochist I was, I also checked my messages, shocked there weren’t any from the guys. Either they were still torturing that man, or they were letting me go. Yeah right, Sana, like that would happen. Then what’s keeping them... and why do I care?
“Earth to Sana,” Dani called out, waving a hand in front of my face. “What the fuck is going on? You’re not the spacey type.”
“Someone I killed for Eros, his son or brother, I’m not sure which, came for me this morning. It sent me into this stupid flashback that I’m still kicking myself for, but the Adrostos found me and took me back to their place. When I woke up, they were shouting and leaving, so I followed them to this room they have, and they were torturing someone. I freaked and left, texting them that I can’t be with them again. Getting into a relationship with them just undermines every reason I left the Family in the first place.”
“Let me get this straight. They were being themselves, you freaked out and left, and now you’re pouting because they didn’t follow?” she summarized bluntly, making me feel like an idiot.
“Fuck… I’m being that girl, aren’t I?”
“Definitely. But I’ll keep your secret. Alright, before they give in and come get you, tell me everything I’ve missed in the last two years,” she said. Time flew by as I did just that, sharing every last tiny detail from my business and my favorite coffee shop, to what the guys had been wearing at the club. She listened, chiming in with her usual sass when utterly inappropriate, as per usual. We only paused to answer the door and get our food, continuing on while we ate.
“So, how has Eros explained my absence?” I finally asked, the question resting on the tip of my tongue since I saw her.
“He told the Family you’re away on a mission and will be gone for a few years. There was a bet going around that he killed you and another that you failed a mission and got kidnapped or something outlandish. Oh, and Little Tony somehow manned up and got in Eros’ good graces. I think he’s intent on taking your place as the Priamos Princess even though he won’t look nearly as hot in a dress,” she snarked.
“He could fucking have it if it were up to me, but Eros would never agree to that,” I sighed, hating how conflicted I felt about that statement. Every part of me hated that man, but I’d spent so much of my life proving myself to him that even now, the idea of not being his number one choice upset me.
Dani softly patted my arm, already knowing how twisted and torn I was about the role I’d been raised to inherit. Thankfully, she also knew when I needed to talk about something else. “Now, about this place,” she started, shifting on my well worn couch. “Eros gave me a new identity for the purpose of this “bachelorette trip,” so call me Dani Parker! Lucky for you, I have a healthy bank account with plenty of money to buy us a place.”
“Yeah, one he knows exists and can follow every dollar you spend or deposit. He knows I bought a shop, but everything else I pay for out of different accounts for a reason,” I shot back. The hate for my apartment was getting old fast. It wasn’t the nicest place, but it was mine, and it had been my only safe haven for so long that I was starting to take it personally.
“You have a point,” she grumbled, frustrated. “This new life is going to be an adjustment if I can’t just use my money freely.”
“It’s not so bad. I’ve worked hard for this life, and I’m proud of it even if it doesn’t look like much from the outside. Anyway, money isn’t really what you’ll need to survive here. I hope you came packing; Eros loves to send his playthings after me, and I’m sure you as well, now.”
“Because of-fucking-course he does,” she growled. “I swear that man jacks off to torture videos and senseless deaths.”
“Blood makes for good lube,” I joked, both of us bursting into laughter and breaking the rest of the tension between us.
“Alright, I have work in the morning, and you’re coming with me. We should get to bed.”
“Fine, but I’m crashing in your bed with you,” she asserted, following me into my room. I searched through my clothes to find something that would fit her tall, thin frame, eventually settling on booty shorts and a tank top for each of us. When we finally settled into the bed and she started to let out even breaths, my mind went right back to the guys.
Did I make the right decision in leaving?
Part of me wanted to say yes, but a bigger part of me was screaming what a fucking dumbass I was being. They weren’t Eros. The Adrostos weren’t the Priamos family, where blood, mind games, and insanity reigned.
Fuck, I’ve got to figure this shit out.
“Would you stop fucking fidgeting?” Dani complained as she guzzled down her latte with three espresso shots. Her eyes were red and glazed over, looking like she was half-dead even though she’d just had to get up a little early.
“No, quit being crabby,” I shot back, barely holding back the eye roll. The bell on the door rang out, stopping us from verbally sparring again. Note to self, let Dani come in a few hours later if she’s going to hang out at the shop.
“Hello, can I help you?” I asked, smiling up at the guy before realizing who he was. The receding hairline and square jaw were distinct enough that I remembered him from before. “Ah, the limited edition?”