Page 50 of Boys Like You
She shivered a little, and I tucked a strand of hair behind her ears as I straightened. The weight that was on my shoulders was nearly gone, and the girl in front of me was the reason for it. I knew that it would come back. It would come back with a vengeance, but I was willing to forget about it for tonight.
I was willing to see where this was gonna take me.
“Huh,” she said huskily. “What’s the price?”
I chuckled, a grin in place as someone let loose a long wolf whistle.
“I play for you and in return, I want that kiss.”
“Yeah. The one you promised. I’m gonna collect tonight.”
Chapter Nineteen
I could have watched Nathan play his guitar and sing all night.
He was that good. No. He was better than good. He was charismatic and hot and sexy and talented and…
I shivered just thinking of how he’d bent low over the mike, guitar cradled in his hands when he sang, and of how his eyes had never left me for the entire time he’d been onstage.
Not once.
He was riveting, and I was still buzzing from the high I’d gotten watching him perform. Still buzzing from
what he’d said to me.
It was just after midnight by the time we pulled up to Nate’s place. There was no moon and no stars, so it was pretty dark. I stopped the car behind his father’s truck and tried to swallow the lump in my throat.
Have you ever tried to swallow something that was as big as a freaking golf ball? It’s not fun. Especially when you’re trying to act like everything is cool, when clearly, everything isn’t.
It was the total opposite of cool. It was hot. And scary. And exciting. And did I say hot?
My hair stuck to the back of my neck and I pushed at it impatiently, exhaling as I tried to wipe my damp palms along my dress without him noticing.
Nate hadn’t made a move to collect his payment yet, and I was pretty sure now was it.
I rotated my shoulders and glanced up at his house. It was as dark as everything else. His parents had either gone out themselves or they were in bed already. Either way, it felt like there was no one around for miles.
“Are you gonna shut this thing off?”
“What?” I jumped at the sound of his voice. The little bit of light from the dashboard illuminated his face—his strong chin, high cheekbones, and a mouth that made me think of things.
It made me think about the kiss we’d shared the week before. And what his body had felt like pressed up against mine. With his longish hair and that little bit of stubble on his chin, he looked dangerous. He looked hot.
And though he looked perfect, I knew that he was as un-perfect as I was. We were damaged, the two of us, in ways not a lot of people could understand. And for the first time since all the bad stuff had happened to me, I didn’t feel so alone. I didn’t feel like the freak with too much shit inside her. The one who couldn’t talk. The one who fell into herself and hid.
I felt almost…normal.
I felt like a girl, sitting in a car with a boy. A boy who she liked.
I turned the key and settled back in my seat, not sure what to do or say, and for the first time, the monumental inexperience of my life hit me in the face.
I bet Rachel would have no problem knowing what to do.
I’d seen her grab Nate at the Coffee House. I didn’t have to be introduced to know she was his ex-girlfriend. She’d looked at Nate as if he was a yummy piece of chocolate. One that she’d tasted. And when she looked my way, I could tell that she still wanted him.