Page 60 of Some Kind of Normal
Good to know.
I went in search of luggage and tried to ignore the little voice in the back of my head. The one that kept asking me if I knew what I was doing, because I was pretty sure that Trevor Lewis didn’t go away for the weekend with a girl and not expect a few things to happen.
Namely sex.
I knew Hales and Link had already done it. They’d barely waited a week after the drive-in, but then Hailey had ne
ver been the kind of girl to wait for something that she wanted. I kind of admired her for that.
Besides, no guy ever was going to turn down sex. They’re not wired that way. So where did that leave me? Where did that leave Trevor? I wasn’t even sure what we were exactly. Was he my boyfriend? Did he think of me as his girlfriend? Could we spend the weekend together and not do anything? Like anything naked?
I reached into my closet for my weekender bag.
Guess I was going to find out.
Chapter Nineteen
Link’s cottage was on the Tickfaw River, not far from Baton Rouge. When we were younger, we’d hang on the dock, go fishing, eat as much junk food as we could stuff down our throats, and stay up late watching cheesy horror movies. One year, Link scared the crap out of us when he jumped on our bed, yelling at the top of his lungs and wearing a white goalie mask. You know, of the Jason variety. Funny now, but not so much back then, because Brent crapped his pants. Like literally.
I’d been coming here since I was a kid, tagging along with Link and his parents, but over the last couple of years, a few things had changed, namely the lack of parents. Now we come up on our own, and as long as we don’t get stupid and trash the place, Link’s dad is okay with us using it.
Man, that first time, we’d felt like kings. On our own with no adults to tell us what to do. I’d only been fifteen but had told my folks we were going with Link’s dad. A total lie, and I eventually got caught, but Brent (who was the oldest and had a license) drove us up. We were serious musicians, and it was just guys, and we were gonna write hit songs and get drunk and eat as much crap as we could. We weren’t going to worry about girls and the drama they brought with them. Except, you know, girls do add a certain flavor, and after the second night, we knew we were missing something. Girls and guitars just seemed to go together.
I glanced up at the place as Link pulled his truck in behind Brent’s car. We’d had some pretty intense parties up here, a lot of good times, and it felt good to be back, even if some of the gang was missing.
Everly had fallen asleep on the ride up, and she was curled into my side. She was soft and warm, and I could have stayed holed up with her in the back of Link’s truck all afternoon. Pretty hard not to think along those lines, because she was so damn sweet with her long lashes touching the tops of her cheeks, and she was going to hate this, but the girl snored softly. It was kind of adorable, although I had no plans to tell her.
I couldn’t help myself. I let my finger trace the contours of her top lip and then slipped my hand into her hair so that I could kiss her.
There’s something to be said about how amazing it feels to wake up a girl with your mouth. Especially when she tastes as sweet as Everly Jenkins.
She moved against me, turning slightly, and I thought I should pull back. Hell, we were in the back of Link’s truck, and Brent stood a few feet away, leaning against his car. But she was so soft and warm and…
I deepened the kiss, wanting more, needing to feel her wanting the same thing. Her eyes flew open, and she stilled, her hands already buried in the hair at the back of my head.
“Hey,” I said, voice a little rough, because man, there were zings and zongs going off in my body. Things had heated up pretty fast.
“Sorry,” she breathed. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“It’s all right. You can sleep on me anytime.” Her eyes slid away, and her cheeks got all rosy. It took everything I had not to kiss her again. Like I said. Adorable.
“We should go help get our gear in,” I said.
She never looked away. Her eyes were dark, like liquid navy, and I thought they were the most amazing eyes ever. “Okay. Sounds like a plan.”
I waited for a few moments and then cleared my throat. “You might have to move a little.” The girl was snug between my legs, and I was hoping she was gonna move to the right, because if she moved to the left, well, let’s just say I wasn’t prepared for that.
“Oh.” She glanced down and then her eyes shot back to mine. “Oh. I’m sorry. I…”
I had to laugh. “Everly, don’t worry about it. It’s my deal, not yours.” I bent forward and kissed her nose. “You can’t help it if the sight of you makes me crazy.”
“Does it?” There was that soft, slow smile that I dug.
“Do you want me to show you right here?”
She glanced out the window. “Um….no!”