Page 3 of The Reservoir Tapes
Can I ask how well you know the area? Are you experienced walkers, would you say?
But this was a route you’d walked in the summer, when you were here before? You’d followed that same path, from the visitor centre, up the hill towards the rock formations on the ridge?
Black Bull Rocks, right.
And had Becky been with you on those occasions? Would you say it was a route she was familiar with?
But on this occasion she was reluctant.
Perhaps we
I’m curious
Did you do a lot of walking when she was younger? Would you say the reluctance on this occasion was more around the tensions between you, rather than the walk itself?
Would you describe Becky as fit and healthy? Does she do any sports?
So the walk shouldn’t have been a problem for her.
I do realise this must be
of course
If we could just go through the sequence of events.
The three of you got into the car, your car, soon after lunch. So this would have been
2 p.m. Okay. And the weather was clear. You’d asked Becky to wear something more suitable on her feet, but she’d refused and you didn’t want to start another argument.
That’s understandable.
You drove a short distance to the visitor centre and parked in the car park there. That would have taken, what, five minutes, ten?
Was the visitor centre open? Did you see anyone there?
Were there any other cars in the car park?
So you parked near the main building, and went through the gate by the display board, following the track which leads diagonally up the hill towards Black Bull Rocks.
I realise you’ve already
I just would
it does help
Did you have a map?
Because it was a route you knew. And you can see Black Bull Rocks almost from the car park in any case, can’t you? So it was a simple walk. It was going to be a short walk.
Did you know how long you were expecting it to take?
Did you know what time it was going to get dark?
Had you looked at a weather forecast?