Page 32 of Unrequited Love
“I should have done something sooner,” he growled, wishing now that he had offered for her when he had returned to Arthur’s study the day Sian had kissed him.
“Ah, come on in,” Arthur called when Ryan stepped into the house moments later.
Windswept and a little out-of-breath still, Ryan dutifully did as he was told. His gaze fell immediately to the maid.
“Did you give her my note?” He asked without preamble.
“Well, I left it on the table, sir,” Frances replied hesitantly.
“What was that?” Arthur lifted his brows and looked from the maid to Ryan and back again.
“I was asking if you had received the paperwork that I left for you,” Ryan interrupted before the maid could tell him the truth. He threw the girl a cautionary look, which she appeared to understand. Ducking her head, she bobbed a curtsey and scurried back into the kitchen leaving Ryan to face Arthur.
“Come and take a seat,” Arthur offered. “Brandy?”
Ryan eyed the nearly empty carafe and shook his head, not least because he doubted Arthur had enough funds to replenish it.
“The papers have arrived, yes. I must say the share value isn’t quite what I expected,” Arthur began.
“Oh? Did you expect more? I can assure you it we have paid the going rate,” Ryan countered.
“No. No. It is a little more than I expected, if I am honest,” Arthur offered.
Ryan leaned back in his seat and rested his ankle on his knee. “There are rumours going around the village that there is to be an announcement in the near future.”
Arthur had the good grace to look a little sheepish. “You mustn’t pay too much attention to idle gossip and speculation.”
“Is it true?”
“Have you given people the impression that you are about to announce the engagement of one of your daughters?” Ryan’s face remained an implacable mask of polite civility which hid his true thoughts and feelings well. The only outward display of his emotions was the coiled fist that rested on his knee.
“Well, I might have mentioned that we expect there to be some good news to come of a close acquaintance one of my daughters has forged with a gentlemen suitor, yes,” Arthur edged.
“Might I know which one of your daughters I should offer my congratulations to?”
“I was hoping that they might wish to tell you themselves in all good time. For now, I don’t think it at all wise for me to be so presumptuous,” Arthur replied.
Ryan squinted at him. “Is it true or not, Arthur?”
“What does that have to do with the shares?”
Ryan leaned forward in his seat. “It is just that I have always considered you to be a somewhat sensible gentleman.”
“Long may that continue, eh?” Arthur huffed a laugh, but it died almost the instant it was uttered when Ryan didn’t smile.
Ryan’s gaze turned cold and hard as he pierced Arthur with a stare that made the older man look decidedly uncomfortable. “I shouldn’t like to think that you are the kind of gentleman that puts business and finances before the welfare of his family. One thing my family prides itself on is looking after family members.”
Arthur blinked. “Well, of course. Isn’t that what us gentlemen folk are expected to do? My daughters have everything they need. I can assure you that they want for nothing.”
“Except husbands of their choosing,” Ryan bit out.
“Well, I think I am in a position to know what is best for my daughters,” Arthur blustered, now becoming annoyed at having his parental abilities questioned.
“Really?” Ryan snapped sarcastically. “So why are they all so miserable, and determined to defy you?”
Before Arthur could answer, Ryan pushed to his feet and prepared to leave. “Given none of your daughters have accepted Cedrick’s hand, I wouldn’t risk ruining your reputation by trying to force a union to any of them, no matter what your sister tells you.”