Page 49 of Unrequited Love
“I am pl
eased you like it here, although the house needs a few repairs,” he sighed.
“How can you say that?” She protested instantly. “What is wrong with it?”
“It needs decorating.”
Sian shook her head. “I don’t see what’s wrong with it as it is. The colours are perfect for the rooms. Why should you wish to change it?”
Ryan lifted his brows at her. “Do you think I should leave it for a while then?”
“Yes, I do,” Sian replied with a decisive nod. “I am sure there are other things on the estate that are worthier of your time.”
Ryan grinned at her. “Then I shall leave the house as it is and turn my attention to the restoration of the old woods.”
“Is that what you are doing?”
Together, they looked toward a large bank of trees that had been a feature of the landscape for centuries. Terrell Woods was legendary in the area and was so old there were rumours that it had once been a meeting place of King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table.
“We have to plant some more oak trees and clear out some of the debris. When the weather heats up, it is a fire risk if leave it as it is.” Ryan began to detail the other changes he wanted to make to the estate.
Sian listened intently and gazed at him adoringly while she did so. Ryan’s handsome features came alive with enthusiasm and shone with a deep contentment that assured her that he was as happy as she.
Today had been the most wonderful day of her life. Not only had she shared breakfast with him this morning, but Ryan had appeared as reluctant for them to part as she was when the meal was over. Because they both wanted to spend the day together, Ryan suggested a picnic, but it hadn’t turned out to be the kind of picnic anybody had expected. While they all walked, the table, picnic baskets, and chairs, blankets, and crockery all travelled with a veritable army of servants via cart. By the time Sian and Ryan, together with Mabel, Martha and Lucinda, reached the spot Ryan had chosen for their picnic, a wonderful feast and requisite servants awaited them. What had followed was the happiest, most contented day Sian had ever experienced. Ryan had told them anecdotes about his childhood and had then been left in fits of laughter when Lucinda had revealed a little too many family secrets, and a lot of Sian’s most embarrassing moments. What had transpired had been an ad hoc competition of who had the most humiliating experience. It had left everyone in stitches, including some of the servants, who had struggled to hide their mirth as they had served a wonderful array of foods. Eventually, everyone was stuffed and upon Ryan’s orders, the staff were left to tidy everything away and repack it onto the cart while he escorted the ladies around the small meadow.
Now, it was almost a shame to return to the big house, but then it wasn’t. While it heralded the end of a delightful day, the massive mansion stood in regal splendour, offering a safe sanctuary and every comfort Sian could ever wish for.
That’s because Ryan is there.
It was the truth. She knew that her opinion of the house and her enjoyment of the picnic had been made all that more pleasurable because she was able to share it with Ryan. He was, without doubt, the man of her dreams even more now. Sian now realised, and struggled to hide, just how much she adored him and always would. It had nothing to do with the luxurious home, or the many acres of landscaped estate. It had nothing to do with his vast wealth, and the army of servants. She knew she would not enjoy any of it as much if Ryan hadn’t been there to share it all with her. Being able to be a part of his life, even for a short while, was better than anything Sian had ever dreamt possible. She didn’t want the moment to end.
“Are you all right?” he murmured gently when he sensed her pre-occupation.
Sian tightened her fingers on his arm. “I am fine,” she assured him gently.
“Oh, no.”
Sian stopped to frown at her mother when she heard that low moan.
“What is it?” When her mother didn’t answer, Sian turned to look in the direction of her mother’s dark glare and felt her heart sink to her knees.
Together, everyone watched Wilhelmina descend from the carriage with all the regal scorn of royalty. She stopped and turned to study them while she waited for Cedrick to join her.
“What are they doing here?” Mabel breathed.
“They are here to cause trouble, I don’t doubt,” Martha warned, her voice as harsh as her dislike of them.
Ryan sensed an immediate tension settle over everyone and shook his head in disgust at just how much discontent Wilhelmina caused. She couldn’t be obtuse enough not to realise just how much everyone disliked her, could she? Ryan studied the woman as she sauntered toward them, eyeing the gardens with a critical air that was far too proprietary. He suspected that Wilhelmina didn’t care if she was liked or not because she didn’t like Mabel and her daughters either and did absolutely nothing to hide it. That led him to wonder why the woman had bothered to pay a visit to them today. He too suspected it was probably to cause trouble. Her first words confirmed it.
“Been having fun, have we?” Wilhelmina drawled with a somewhat sarcastic air of disapproval.
“What do you want Wilhelmina?” Mabel bit out.
Wilhelmina’s gaze slid over Sian. “Well, you seem well enough, I must say.”
“Sian is recovering nicely, thank you,” Ryan murmured.
“Sian, is it? Not Miss Mullen?”