Page 46 of Hopeless Heart
“Most of them have but I have a few things I should like to discuss with you personally,” he said mysteriously. “I am sure that Miss Georgiana won’t mind getting involved.”
Ruth nodded. “Of course, we will both be delighted to help in any way we can.”
“Good,” Simeon replied smoothly. “I look forward to hearing all about your skills,” he smiled at Georgiana and promptly took his leave of them with a bow.
Georgiana watched him stalk
out of the graveyard and disappear down the road without even bothering to acknowledge any of the other villagers. Once he was out of sight, she turned to study at her aunt.
“Don’t,” Ruth warned before she spoke. “He is a really influential man around these parts. I have no idea what he is up to, but he has something planned. It would be rude to tell him that he is not welcome to call upon us. That kind of snub would deeply offend him and create a lot of gossip.”
“Why are you so worried?” Georgiana asked as she followed her aunt out of the churchyard.
Ruth sighed. “Because our local gentry has a crush on you.”
“Me?” Georgiana cried in dismay.
“Well, he won’t be attracted to me,” Ruth snorted.
“What on earth gives you that idea?”
“Because, my dear, the arrangements for the fayre are always made by the ladies who volunteer for the church duties. It is a church fayre and not something he usually gets involved in. I suspect he is using it as an excuse to further his acquaintance with someone,” Ruth murmured, her smile somewhat sly.
“Oh dear,” Georgiana gulped.
“Please don’t get me wrong, Georgiana, I am not suggesting there is anything wrong with him. He comes from a fine, reputable family. In all the time I have been here I have never heard a bad word said about them. The family has their privacy, of course they do, but there are rumours.”
“What sort of rumours?” Georgiana interrupted with a frown.
Ruth sighed. “While the family have a good reputation, there is an uncle who is an entirely different matter. As far as I am aware, even he has never had any cross words with anyone in the village so it is safe to say that you are not likely to come to any harm if you wish to take tea with our Lord when he does call.”
“Do you think he will?” Georgiana asked. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see him again.
“It is inevitable I am afraid,” Ruth murmured and nodded toward Simeon now seated high atop a curricle. He nodded as he passed but rather than keep going, he turned the curricle around at the end of the road and made his way back to them.
“Would you ladies like a lift home? I am passing your house,” Simeon called as he pulled up beside them.
“Oh, no thank you. It is very good of you but I don’t like to travel on anything that isn’t closed in,” Ruth said with dramatic despondency.
“Miss Georgiana? Can I offer you a lift? With your aunt’s permission of course,” he stepped down as he spoke and stood expectantly beside the conveyance.
Georgiana looked hesitantly at her aunt.
“Go ahead, dear,” Ruth replied with a nod. “I will catch up with you.”
Georgiana studied the curricle with a wild thrill of excitement. She had seen such transport many times but had never ridden on one.
“Thank you,” she smiled, making a snap decision.
“I take it you have been on one of these before?” Simeon asked as he handed her up to the high bench.
“No. I have to confess that it is something I have always wanted to do though,” she said enthusiastically as she took a seat.
She watched Simeon climb effortlessly onto the seat beside her. They were so high off the ground that when she looked down she gasped at how far away the ground was. When fingers touched her chin and tugged her face around, Georgiana looked at him.
“Rule number one, never look down. The road passing beneath you will make you fall forward and under the wheels. Keep your eyes on the road ahead,” he murmured gently. “I will take my time. These curricles do sway a little more than closed-top carriages but they are perfectly safe.”
“How fast do they go?” she asked as the horse pulled them slowly and carefully toward Ruth’s house.