Page 11 of Devoted to You
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she replied.
“Don’t keep apologising,” he snapped churlishly.
“I am -”
“Yes, sorry, I know,” he growled with a shake of his head.
He almost groaned aloud as she stood and turned to face him. Bathed in the gentle glow of the fire, she looked seductive. He couldn’t remember a maid’s attire
being that alluring before, even with the mob cap that barely contained her wheat coloured hair.
“So, you couldn’t sleep and decided to get your work done early.” He knew from the way she didn’t answer that he was right. “What do you plan to do then?”
“I will help the others, sir,” she dutifully replied, wondering if he was looking for a reason to sack her.
Aidan studied the way the firelight turned her hair different shades of copper, gold, and silver, and bathed the rest of her in a halo of light that emphasised each dip and curve of her body that the uniform couldn’t hide.
“Do you like it here?” Aidan asked then mentally winced. He had no idea why he was talking to her, but felt compelled to keep her in the room with him. Then he realised what he had just asked and cursed his own stupidity.
Of course, she will tell you she likes it here whether she really does or not. She is not going to tell you she hates it. You are her employer and would have her out in her ear in a thrice, you fool, he thought.
“Would you like me to get you something, sir?” Petal asked instead of answering him.
She wracked her brains to think of something else to say, but words failed her. She was stunned that he was deigning to converse with her at all, and could only pray that Rollo wouldn’t walk in and find them talking.
Aidan studied her. He wanted her to stay. There was just him and her awake in the entire house; who would know? Being the only two people awake encompassed them in an intimate atmosphere that seemed to elicit the exchange of confidences. It was the first time he felt as though he wanted to reveal his deepest, darkest secrets to another living soul; especially a woman. It was astounding. It was shocking but, moreover, he was intrigued by the notion. He had to wonder whether it was because she was a servant. He knew she would never be in a position to do anything about any information he gave her, other than gossip to a handful of others who wouldn’t be able to do anything with their news.
“Can you light another candle?” Aidan pushed himself upright on the bed and watched her place a lit candle on the table beside the bed.
“Would you like your book?” she asked, aware that he was still watching her every move.
It was on the tip of her tongue to apologise to him again, but he had already told her to stop doing that. It felt wrong to be talking to him at all, but she could hardly ask him to stop. With little else to do she had to just carry on as normal and hope he didn’t mention it to anyone.
“I don’t bite, you know,” he grumbled, disturbed by the way she looked as though she would run away at the slightest provocation.
Petal fought a smile at the grumpiness on his face. It was the last emotion she would have considered him capable of. To see it so evidently made him somewhat more human, and less of a forbidding employer to be fearful of. With an inward sigh, she slowly began to relax and feel more at ease being in his company.
Maybe Aggy and Mrs Kempton were right, and he was just curious about you in the hallway on the day of his arrival, she mused thoughtfully.
Aware that he hadn’t sent her away, but hadn’t asked her to do anything else, Petal stood hesitantly beside the bed. It is hard to keep her eyes averted from the bare expanse of very masculine chest he had unwittingly displayed when he sat up. He seemed completely oblivious to how much it disturbed her which was a blessing in disguise. Mainly because it reminded her that he didn’t see her as someone of the opposite sex; she was an asexual servant.
That is fine by me, she mused, wishing he would cover up.
Was this why Edwards was so proprietary with him? Did she have a yen for him too? Or was she protecting him from his own ignorance and preying females?
Wait! What? Who said I have a yen for him? I don’t have a yen for him?
Inwardly she was appalled.
“What are you scowling at?” Aidan asked, wondering if he had done something to offend her.
Petal stared at him blankly and made her expression as bland as she could make it. “Scowling, sir?”
“Yes, you were scowling just now? Why?”
“I wasn’t aware that I was scowling, sir,” she lied smoothly.
“Well you were,” he replied. “Don’t.”