Page 18 of Devoted to You
“She would be out of a job if you did,” she replied.
“I know,” he nodded. “So help me get up and about without her.”
“She will have a fit if she sees us. She hates me as it is,” Petal muttered.
Aidan peered down at her. He tried valiantly to ignore just how wonderful it felt to be just so, himself, with her. Apart from Jeremy, there was nobody else he felt that comfortable with to let his hair down in such a way, and it amused him as much as it amazed him.
What was it about Petal that made it feel so right and natural just to be with her? He was fairly sure she wasn’t a mischief maker. She was a hard worker who minded her manners and had a sensible head on her shoulders, but that couldn’t be it.
Was it her readiness to help him? He couldn’t be sure. Whatever it was, beggars couldn’t be choosers. He needed her help; a co-conspirator and, thankfully, Petal was just the kind of person to fit the mould perfectly.
At the moment, he couldn’t ignore the fact that one of her shoulders was nudging precariously into his ribcage; the bony protrusion doing little but tickle h
is ribcage. The height difference between them ensured she didn’t bear much of his weight, but he didn’t even notice that much. He was fairly confident that if he leant sideways and allowed her to take his weight, they would both be in a heap on the floor. Then they would have to surrender to his lamentations because he would then be subjected to several more weeks of Edwards’ rather dubious care, and would have no bones about letting everyone know it.
“Where are we going?” Petal asked, hoping she would still have a job when they reached wherever it was he wanted to go.
Aidan studied the room. While he wanted to sit beside the fireplace, if only to irk Edwards because she would have no knowledge of how he got there, he knew it was too far. There would be difficulties. If he got there, the bellpull would be too far away to use when he wanted to go back to bed, unless Petal stayed with him. Because she was always so nervous around him, he couldn’t take the risk that as soon as Edwards appeared, Petal didn’t just abandon him.
The last thing he wanted, or needed, was Edwards’ help guiding him back into bed.
“If you can move that chair and put it beside the window, I should like to look out across the gardens,” he murmured thoughtfully.
“Are you going to be alright if I let go for a moment?” Petal asked, loosening her hold enough to put a few inches between them.
Aidan nodded and balanced precariously using the bed for support until she returned to him. It was with a complete sense of rightness that he slid his arm across her shoulder again moments later.
“Are sure you want to try this?” she asked dubiously as she took some of his weight.
“I am certain.” Aidan gritted his teeth and took his first hesitant step toward the chair.
It felt strange to be upright but excellent to be moving about again. His legs didn’t pain him as much as he thought they would. He stood upright and tested their weight bearing capabilities.
“That feels wonderful,” he confided with a delighted sigh.
“It doesn’t hurt at all?”
“It does a bit, but it is nothing I cannot handle. It is better than I thought it would be, in fact,” he murmured, eyeing the distance between the bed and the chair with renewed enthusiasm. “I can do this.”
“Just take your time,” she warned. “This is not a race.”
As he walked, Aidan mentally took stock of his injuries. The bones felt a little odd but then they had been broken. Thankfully, Petal couldn’t see the exact extent of his wounds beneath his breeches, but he was aware of every physical scar he knew he would always carry. Determined not to let it thwart him, though, he gritted his teeth and shuffled onward.
As they wobbled, lurched and staggered toward the chair, Petal instinctively slid an arm around his back to support him as best she could. Although it drew her closer against him, she focused her attention firmly on where they were going.
It was awkward, and tiring, but he managed it and, with a delighted grin, flopped down into the chair beside the window.
“Oh, good Lord, that was easier than I imagined it to be,” he gasped.
“Easier?” Petal repeated with her brows lifted in astonishment.
She watched in amazement as he nodded, and knew he would do it all over again. There was an unholy glint of mischief in his eye that reminded her of a naughty boy who had just been caught stealing apples. He was completely unrepentant.
“You will if Rollo or Edwards finds you?” She hoped they wouldn’t ask who had helped him. In spite of her determination not to, she grinned. “You are going to be in awful trouble.”
Aidan laughed. “I am the master of all I survey.”