Page 35 of Devoted to You
Rather than speak, Petal sat beside the bed, the book on her lap. It was evident even to the blindest of people that they were waiting for Edwards to leave the room. However, Petal’s posture was as subservient as she could make it leaving Edwards little room to argue without seeming impertinent.
In silence, she snatched up the tray and slammed out of the chamber.
“Thank you,” Aidan murmured gently as he studied the top of Petal’s head. “I hate to say it, but I think she gave me Laudanum.”
Petal bent down and picked the small plate of food off the floor.
“Do you know what it tastes like?” she asked curiously.
Aidan threw her a rueful look. “Unfortunately, I do. It is bitter but is quite distinctive.”
“Would you know if you tasted a small piece of these?” she slid the plate onto his tray.
He stared down at the food in surprise, delighted at her ingenuity. Carefully cutting a tiny piece off each item, he tasted each individually and washed the food down with a cup of ale.
“The ham and the potatoes are laced with Laudanum I think, but not a full dose. There is just enough there that if everything is consumed together, whoever eats it wouldn’t notice. They would, however, be asleep and unable to do anything about it.”
“But there is likely to be a full dose in there,” Petal said. It wasn’t really a question.
Aidan sighed. “There is enough to render someone nonsensical at best, unconscious at worst.”
“Well, I think it is safe to assume that she is lacing
your food.” She paused when Aidan began to shake his head.
“I am convinced she laced the breakfast I ate yesterday.”
“It wasn’t prepared by Mrs Kempton. She went to prepare your tray later that morning, but you didn’t ring for it. I came up to check on you but didn’t disturb you. We thought you had over-exerted yourself so needed to rest. If there was the slightest suspicion she had done something nefarious like this, we would have woken you up somehow,” she assured him.
Aidan nodded, but didn’t speak. He stared absently across the room.
“One thing I am curious to know,” she sighed.
“What?” Aidan asked, trying hard not to lose his temper. He had lost an entire day of his life because of Edwards’ scheming, and it made him incredibly angry.
“Why would she do it? What does she have to gain?”
Aidan thought about that for a moment. “I have threatened to throw her out of here because she isn’t needed,” he murmured.
Petal wasn’t convinced, and needed to think about it a bit more. She watched as Aidan slid the plate into the small drawer in the table beside him and lifted her brows.
“I want you to send a footman to fetch Jerry. I need to speak with my brother about this. It is important that he witnesses the food has been tampered with,” Aidan reported. “I don’t think he believed she was.”
Petal nodded. “Of course, she could always claim that the food had been tampered with in the kitchens. All the staff were there when the tray was put together. Anyone could have done it.”
Aidan sighed. “I think we need to play Edwards at her own game. I just need to think a bit more clearly.”
“How do you feel now?” she asked quietly.
He looked to be completely unharmed from his torment, but she had no way of knowing how he actually felt.
“A little cloudy, and livid, if I am honest,” he replied.
Petal nodded. If she had been drugged by someone she would be incredibly angry too.
“I will find a footman to send to your brother.”
“Are you alright, Petal?” Aidan asked gently, aware that she seemed a little subdued this morning.