Page 75 of Devoted to You
“I will make sure he doesn’t start jumping hedges and the like,” Jerry added with a rueful look at his brother.
Aidan studied the distance between the stirrup and his booted foot. This was the first time he had put his legs under such pressure. It would be interesting to see if he could even manage to climb up. With the help of the mounting step, it turned out to be considerably easier than he had thought. His legs protested a bit at being bent at an angle for the stirrups, but it was manageable, and he beamed with delight when he settled into the saddle. It was fabulous just to be outside for a while.
To be able to accomplish a horse ride today was a mammoth task that just emphasised how invaluable Petal’s tender loving care had been to his recovery.
Aidan sighed with relief and picked up the reins, eager to get going. While he adored his wife, he had missed being able to ride and was determined to see as much of the estate as he could.
“I will see you later,” Petal murmured, unable to keep her worry off her face.
“Get some rest, I will be back soon.”
Together, he and Jerry turned their horses down the driveway. He hadn’t mentioned it to Petal for fear of upsetting her, but he intended to use some time alone with his brother to discuss why the dowager had been so quiet.
Over the past several days, he had been half expecting the aged harridan to turn up at his door to belittle his wife and denounce the wedding. It was unnerving that so far, nothing untoward had happened.
“You have a frown on your face. Do you want to go back?” Jerry asked in concern.
“No, I am alright. I am just mulling over whether I should pay the dowager a visit, or leave well alone.”
“I would leave well alone if I were you,” Jerry advised him.
“Is she at home?” Aidan looked at his brother and sensed there was something she wasn’t telling him.
“Yes, she is, but is accommodating Edwards. If you go there, Edwards is most likely to see it as some sort of yen to see her. It is best you stay away.”
“How did the dowager take the news?” Aidan knew from the way Jerry looked at him that she was less than pleased.
“Let’s just say that she is stunned. Having said that, not once did she raise any issue with Petal being a servant. She is angry that her plans for you to marry her choice of bride have been thwarted.” Jerry advised him ruefully. “Strangely, she was also angry that she wasn’t invited to the wedding.”
Aidan shook his head. “There is no comparison between my wif
e and Edwards. God, I shudder to think what my existence would have been like if I had been lumbered with Edwards.”
“Like mine was,” Jerry drawled knowingly.
Aidan snorted and had to agree with him.
Instinctively, his thoughts turned toward his wife, Petal, as they usually did whenever they were briefly apart.
The past several days had reinforced his belief that she was indeed the woman for him. Although she was still unsure of her position in the household and still uncomfortable at times when they were alone, their relationship just grew stronger and stronger. She had proven to be lively, enthusiastic, charming to talk to, and had a rapier wit that frequently had him in gales of laughter. It was a bit of wrench to have to leave her, even to go on a horse ride.
It was only when they were turning out of the driveway that he realised he hadn’t asked her what she was going to do while he was away.
“You are thinking about her again,” Jerry accused gently.
Aidan looked at him and grinned, but made no attempt to deny it.
“God, you really love her, don’t you?”
“I wouldn’t have married her if I didn’t.”
“She will make you a good wife,” Jerry said frankly.
“I know. There are a few things to iron out but, all in all, I think things will turn out rather nicely.”
“Good, then how about we go for a little trot to see how your legs will hold up.”
Aidan grinned as he spotted the old oak tree on the horizon they used to race to as children and nudged his horse into a slow trot.