Page 15 of Taken by the Sheikh
Sadie’s face had begun to burn as she listened to him. He had managed to make her feel both naïve and ignorant of the region’s customs.
While they had been talking the car had slowed to a halt outside a pair of huge, beautifully decorated wrought-iron gates depicting a pair of peacocks, their tails spread and studded with richly coloured stones—not real jewels? Sadie wondered faintly as the gates swung open and the uniformed guards beyond saluted and then salaamed.
Inside the gates there was a large courtyard, beyond which a flight of cream marble steps led up to a columned portico and a pair of tall wooden doors.
The moment the car stopped alongside the steps the wooden doors opened and a line of household staff appeared, all of them wearing the same livery.
It was like stepping into something out of history, Sadie decided. The kind of gilded luxury she had never imagined experiencing. It should have at worst appalled her and at best overwhelmed her, but as she stood next to Drax, listening to him greeting each man in turn and seeing the way they smiled back at him, she recognised that she was witnessing genuine respect and affection between the co-Ruler of Dhurahn and those who served him.
‘My brother?’ Sadie heard Drax ask.
‘Highness, His Highness sends his apologies for not being here to welcome you home. He is in his private rooms and has asked that you go to him there as soon as you are able.’
Drax frowned. It would be a grave breach of court protocol for him to take Sadie to Vere’s private rooms, and he was disappointed that Vere wasn’t here to greet them so he could see his brother’s amazement when he saw her.
‘Please take Ms Murray to the women’s quarters and see that she is made comfortable while I speak with my brother,’ he instructed one of the waiting men, before turning to Sadie. She looked calm and at ease, her manner towards the palace staff as she inclined her head and smiled both warm and yet just distant enough to command respect. Vere would appreciate that in her, Drax approved, and he went to her and touched her lightly on her arm.
Sadie was amazed at how intensely she could feel the virile warmth of Drax’s touch through the soft fabric of her jacket. It jerked her out of the tiredness that had come to seep through her and made her whole body stiffen slightly.
‘I have to go and see my brother. Nasim will escort you to the women’s quarters. They will make you comfortable there. Please feel free to ask for anything you might need. ‘
He was turning away from her before she could respond, taking the long flight of marble stairs that led upward to a balcony enclosed by fretted shutters that could conceal anyone watching from above. As she looked upwards Sadie gave a small shudder, suddenly feeling very alone and very alien, as though she were in fact being studied by unseen watchers hidden away from her view.
p; ‘This way, please, lady.’ Nasim bowed low to her before guiding her towards a door that led off the hallway.
It was foolish in the extreme for her to wish that Drax had not left her, to wish that she could run after him and beg him to stay with her. Foolish and very dangerous—she was going to pretend she hadn’t thought it.
‘Drax. I have missed you.’
‘I have been gone less than a week.’ Drax smiled as he and Vere embraced.
‘The palace seems quiet when you are gone, my brother,’ Vere told him ruefully. ‘I am sorry I was not able to welcome you back, but I am preparing to leave for London now. My main meeting has been brought forward, and at this stage in the negotiations I didn’t feel that I could object.
‘I was disappointed not to see your reaction to the bride I have found you.’
‘I saw her in the hallway.’
‘Yes,’ Drax agreed, his suspicion that his brother had been looking down on them confirmed. ‘She is most suitable for our purpose, Vere. Educated, intelligent enough to be groomed as your bride, of good moral character, and naïve too; you only have to persuade her to fall in love with you, and—’
‘She is neither blonde enough nor tall enough for my taste, Drax. You know I prefer the cool elegance of a soignée blonde.’
‘You will be marrying her, Vere. Not taking her to bed.’
‘If I am to persuade her to fall in love with me surely there will come a time when I shall be obliged to at least initiate some intimacy between us?’
Drax could sense that Vere was watching him very closely, but it still stunned him when Vere suggested quietly, ‘Perhaps you should think of marrying her yourself?’
‘No. I brought her here for you. I promised I would find you a wife first. We can discuss it further on your return. Is there anything you need me to brief you on before you leave for London?’
‘You mentioned Sir Edward Reeves and his opposition to our proposals. You said that you thought the best way to handle that would be via a personal meeting with him?’
‘Yes. I spoke to his people whilst I was in London, and I’ve set things in motion for you to meet with him. He’s one of the old school of diplomats. He fears that a financial exchange here might not operate with the probity he considers necessary.’
‘I shall endeavour to convince him otherwise. And now I must go.’
‘I’ll walk you to your car.’