Page 11 of Xposed
Hoping whoever it was at the door wasn’t watching, Indi carefully slid a gun into the back of his jeans, grabbed Sky’s harness, and made his way to the back door. Indi didn’t have any deliveries scheduled, so he had little doubt that it was somebody he didn’t care to see. “Who is it?”
“Hey! It’s Hollister. Can I come in for a second? I never got a chance to properly thank you for helping me out with the altercation with my neighbor.”
Hollister had plenty of days to come before now and hadn’t. Indi didn’t want his thanks and wasn’t interested in his lies either. The altercation wasn’t with a neighbor, it was with fucking druggies. And Sky was barking, which meant Hollister wasn’t alone. “No need for any thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Open the door, Judas.” The voice belonged to Levi and sounded deadly. “And ditch the gun in your waistband. That move was simply insulting to both of us.”
“Go away. I told you I wasn’t involved with whatever the hell it is you do, and I meant it. Don’t make me call the police.” Indi slammed his hand against the door. “I’m blind, you fucking idiot! How much help do you really think I’ll be?”
“Don’t make Hollister pay for your insolence. Open the goddamn door. Now. I have a job for you.”
Did Indi give a shit if Hollister paid for his insolence? Indi barely knew the guy. His finger punched in the code. Sadly, he did give a shit. Indi gave a shit because, unfortunately, he figured not many people in Hollister’s life actually did care about his welfare. Levi Trace most certainly didn’t give a fuck about anything but his drug empire.
Indi stepped back to give them room to enter but only moved enough where both men could only take two steps into his kitchen. “Alert, Sky,” Indi commanded. He needed her to be ready to attack if it called for it. She’d be a hell of a lot faster than a blind guy with a gun. “If you piss me off, I’ll give her the kill attack without hesitation,” Indi warned Levi.
Levi laughed. “I don’t doubt it for one minute, cutie.”
“My name is Judas,” Indi growled.
“I honestly doubt Judas is your name, so I’m sticking with cutie, and it fits so nicely. Let’s step into the living room and make ourselves more comfortable, shall we?” Levi asked in that sugary sweet voice that mocked everyone within hearing distance.
“No, we shall not,” Indi snapped. “You aren’t a fucking guest. You’re trying to blackmail me. Say what the fuck you have to say and get out of my house.”
“Easy, cutie. Men like me get turned on by all that sass you’ve got in you. The madder you get, the more you’re going to make me want you…file that back in your mind in case you need to use it one day.”
“Can we just get this done?” Hollister interrupted. “You’re being an ass to Judas and you’re dragging me in on your blackmailing wagon. You’re making me punish him for trying to help me, so tell him the job and let’s finish this. God, you are so fucking annoying at times, Levi,” Hollister growled.
Hollister’s exchange with Levi was interesting. Indi would have assumed smart-assery would be frowned upon in their business. Frowned upon meaning you end up in the bottom of a river with some concrete shoes.
Levi made a puffing sound. “You’re both very uptight. Lucky for all of us, I like tight, as well.” He mocked, making a play on words. “Fine. Cutie, I need you to make a delivery for me tonight. Hollister will drive you to the airport and I need three bags of blow taped to the bottom of every other urinal of the men’s room located in F-13, central terminal. Hollister will drive you there and bring you back once you’ve made the deposit. You do this for me, and we’ll call everything even.”
“And how in the fuck do you suggest I get three bags of blow through airport security?”
“Not my problem,” Levi replied calmly, then added, “Perhaps use your dog. Maybe security will be more lenient on a service animal.” He clapped his hands together. “Either way, the bags are on your kitchen table and Hollister will be here to pick you up and drive you to the airport in two hours. Don’t disappoint me, Judas. If you think you don’t like me now, you’ll really not like me when you fail at a task.”
Two fucking hours?
Hollister mumbled something about being sorry right before they left…but Indi had a feeling he’d still be there promptly in two hours to pick him up. Fuck. How the fuck did someone get drugs through scanners and security at the airport? Was this what Indi’s life had become? Drug running? The saddest part was that his introduction into the crime world was exciting. Sadly, Indi was certain he was better at following the laws than breaking them….