Page 19 of Xposed
Indi dropped his head but not before Clay saw a strange smirk cross his face. Was this going to be like before? Was Indi sporting for a fight? Clay’s cock hardened as images flooded him of Indi bent over the kitchen table while his cock pounded into him relentlessly. His eyes closed as he remembered his handprint on Indi’s ass…imagined how bruised Indi had to have been the next morning. How sore his ass had to have been?
When Indi raised his head, a blank expression stared back at Clay. The expression in his eyes didn’t match the smile on his face.
“I’ve missed you,” Indi murmured in a shy way unbefitting to the man Clay knew—Judas or Indigo. “I’m glad you agreed to meet with me again. I…I want to apologize for, well, everything. I acted like a total ass the last time we were together.” Indi shrugged. “All I can say is that I was on an adrenaline high. I’m not excusing myself, just trying to explain where my headspace was at.”
Adrenaline high? He’d been running drugs for the cartel across the street, Clay thought to himself. Breaking the law gave him a ‘high’ these days?
“No problems, mate. I guess I was sporting for a fight myself.” There it was! That same smirk and drop of his head. Well, fuck Clay sideways. Indi knew who he was. Finally. So, what did the little minx have planned? It was evident Indi was still playing the game, but to what end?
Indi laughed. “I don’t recall what we did as fighting—more like wild fucking. I enjoyed it…much better than all the times before. I can’t believe it took you that long to realize what I liked in the bedroom. Is there some sort of training class for escorts that maybe you could sign up for?”
“You’re hilarious, Judas,” Clay responded. “Why did you call me over tonight? For insults?” No, Indi had a plan; Clay just wasn’t sure what it was yet.
“No. I’m leaving and wanted to say goodbye, apologize, and, if you’d let me, touch your face…so I’ll have the memory.”
“I thought you didn’t like that whole ‘touching’ part of being blind—called the face touching bullshit, if I’m not mistaken, and we both know I’m not.” Alarm bells sounded in Clay’s head. Leaving? Apologize? Touching? None of that sounded like the Indi he knew and loved. “On top of that, what do you think you have to apologize for? I’m the one that tried to cross the line—you merely pointed out that ours was nothing more than a business arrangement. If anyone needs to apologize, it would be me.” Indi was playing a game.
Indi reached his hand toward Clay’s face. “May I?”
“Knock yourself out,” Clay answered softly. “I have nothing to be ashamed of in the looks department.”
Indi’s hand caressed the sides of Clay’s face, memorizing each and every detail because he knew this would be the last opportunity he would have. All the lies ended tonight. Indi would demand that they leave him alone…leave him in peace. He hated that they’d all witnessed his suffering and his disgustingly bold display of weakness. Hiring a male escort was embarrassing enough—all his friends knowing about it only tripled the humiliation. Having a straight guy fuck you just because it was his mission…there really weren’t words for that one.
The saddest part was that Indi really wanted to touch Clay all over, to feel each and every hard muscle…feel how they rippled as he moved. He’d love to clutch Clay’s ass in his hands one last time. To feel Clay’s cock inside of him.
If he didn’t move quickly, Indi knew he would get lost in the wonderland of Clay and not be able to stop touching him, especially knowing it would be the last time. Fuck. The last time. Even knowing everything he did about Clay’s deception, it still broke Indi’s heart to realize this was the last time. The last touch. The last of everything Clay.
Being truthful for the first time in a long time, Indi whispered, “I missed you.” The name Clay had been on the tip of Indi’s tongue, but he held back at the last moment. He would need the element of surprise if he had any hope of successfully completing his plan to end everything between he and Clay.
“I doubt that,” Clay muttered in a grouchy voice. “What’s this about, Judas? You never offered to touch me before. Why start now?”
Indi laughed softly…sadly. “You taught me so much.”
Indi’s fingers caressed Clay’s temple gently. “Oh, no, luv. You did. Remember teaching me this move?” Indi’s fingers pushed forcefully against Clay’s carotid sinus, the ST-09, causing an instant drop in the bigger man’s blood pressure. “Kyusho Jitsu.” Indi said quietly as Clay’s body hit the floor. “You made certain I learned the move because I was so much smaller than the rest of you. You mocked my size, remember?” Indi knew he was only speaking to himself; Clay had passed out the instant he’d applied the proper pressure to the ST-09.