Page 26 of Xposed
“Fuck you!’ Clay spat. “If you harm one hair on Indi or Hollister’s head, I’ll kill you slowly.”
Both the Doctor and Austin laughed as they sauntered out of the room. You could easily see neither of them had a worry in the world.
They should.
“What in the bloody, mother-fucking hell were you doing, asshole?” Levi practically roared after the two men had sealed them in their prison. “I thought you cared about Indigo, and you damn well know I look at Hollister and his brothers as my own children! You pretty much just ordered their execution by running that damn mouth of yours.”
Clay leaned his head back to study the way they had the chains wound around the pipes from the ceiling. Freeing Levi and himself from that part would be simple enough. Busting their way out of a metal room…that was a totally different question altogether. Of course, that’s where Clay’s man would save the day.
“I have complete faith in my man, Agent Trace. He’ll find us.” Clay said in a matter-of-fact tone. “He was a field agent before his accident—once a field agent, always a field agent.” Clay winked at Levi before adding, “And he’s in love with me.”
Levi huffed out a laugh. “Told you that, did he?”
“Well…no…not in so many words but, I know he does—just like I love him.” Indi did love him, didn’t he? He turned to look at Levi. “You think he loves me, right?”
Levi cocked an eyebrow. “The young man who blackmailed me, a Federal Agent, into taking him to the hardware store to buy a BDSM kit, help heft your unconscious body across the kitchen and onto the bed, and then tie you there so he could beat the ever-loving-shit out of you? Yes, I feel quite certain he’s madly in love.” Levi countered sarcastically.
Clay grinned. “Doll, I wasn’t tied to that bed for him to beat the ever-loving-shit out of. We both had completely different ideas before the night ended.”
“Hollister told me you were straight—just using Indi so your team could stay close and monitor him. That’s a high level of fuckery, dude. No way could I ever forgive you and I’ll kick Indi’s ass if he starts to waver on his hatred of you.” Levi used the chains wrapped around his hands to swivel his body around to face Clay. “Why are we even talking about this right now? Shouldn’t we be working on an escape plan, Mr. Merc?”
Clay laughed. “I just worked on it, idiot. Watch and learn.” After that, Clay launched his body so it would begin a swinging motion. Within a few minutes, he’d managed to position his body on top of the iron rail both men were chained. One good bounce on the railing and it gave way, sending both Clay and Levi falling to the floor with a painful thump—arms and legs flailing in every direction.
“How about a head’s up, Merc?” Levi growled as he worked at getting himself in a sitting position while his arms and feet were still chained.
“What in the hell did you think I was doing up there, Mr. Federal Agent? Don’t they teach you guys anything in government grade school?”
“Fuck you,” Levi hissed. “Have you actually accomplished anything? Other than maybe breaking my right arm? Sure, we aren’t hanging from the ceiling pipes any longer, but we are, if you hadn’t noticed, still chained…which makes us pretty helpless in the whole scheme of things. What’s this grand plan you think you have?”
Clay leaned back against the wall. “I’m going to work on getting the locks to the chains unlatched and then I’m going to wait on the door to open.” He pulled a paperclip from his front pocket. “It’s a good solid plan. I am, however, surprised you don’t know to always have a paperclip with you.” He shook his head from side to side, loving how he could torment the Federal Agent—the guy did help tie him to a bed, and Clay had watched with his own eyes when the idiot had flirted with Indi the day Levi had put a gun to his lover’s head.
Indi nearly jumped out of his skin when someone suddenly started pounding on his door like his house was on fire and swift exit was his only chance of survival. Since Sky wasn’t barking, he suspected it was Mr. Drama himself, Hollister.
“Let me in, Judas! This is serious shit!” Hollister screamed, confirming what Indi already suspected.
Everything with Hollister usually fell in the serious shit category. The guy could go ape shit over a broken nail if the clouds were formatted in the perfect upset Hollister portrait. Indi carefully made his way over to the door, touching the items of furniture that had become so familiar…even if the house had never felt like home. At the door, he punched in the code and jerked the door open. “Calm the fuck down, Hollister! You’ll wake the dead! I’m blind, not deaf.”