Page 4 of Xposed
“Watch out!” Hollister’s high-pitched voice screamed mere seconds before a fist connected with his jaw. It was a pussy-punch and hurt Indigo’s pride more than it did his face. His weak hit also gave Indigo his exact location, which was all he really needed. With two punches and a head-butt, the guy collapsed to the concrete, leaving, from best he could tell from their voices, him, Leonard, and Hollister. Since Hollister was obviously on his side, the tide had definitely turned in their favor.
“Talk to me, Leonard,” Indigo whispered. “Don’t act like a scared bitch. Let me know where you are so we can finish this shitshow and let the neighbors continue about their business. I bet everyone’s on their porches watching, aren’t they?” He taunted. “Watching you and your gang of pussies get their asses handed to them by a blind guy. They’ll be talking about this for weeks…making fun of you…whispering about how weak you are as a man…as a leader.”
“You really fucked up blind guy.” Leonard roared. “You have no fucking idea who you’re messing with. We will end you; maybe even feed your body parts to that damn dog of yours before we kill it.”
“There he is,” Indi said, a deadly smile spreading across his face. Damn, it was almost like before the accident. He felt fucking alive for the first time in two years. Maybe this was what he needed all along? To kick somebody’s ass so he’d feel like a man again. Sure, kicking some ass didn’t make you a man but neither did not being able to find your shoes when you knew they were only inches away from your fingertips.
Indigo took his first step toward Leonard and froze when he felt the chill of cold metal bump against the side of his forehead. The gun clicked a round into the chamber. Leonard laughed. Hollister growled. Indigo heard the sound of Sky’s paws smacking the ground and deadly growls spilling from between her teeth as she charged toward them. Terrified the man would shoot her, he put his hand against the barrel of the gun, turned toward Sky, and roared, “Hold, Sky! Sit!” The snarling and growls didn’t stop but the sound of her paws did. She knew guns…what they did. He wasn’t sure she would obey his commands with weapons involved.
Indigo kept his hand wrapped around the gun, the familiar feel of the weapon caused a shiver of delight to race through his system. “Shoot me if it suits you but if you hurt my dog, I’ll fucking rip your throat out and laugh while you die.”
“Kill the bastard, Mr. Trace. Don’t let him disrespect us that way!”
Sounded like Leonard was back to being big man on campus again…since he had backup that happened to be packing heat. How had I missed the fourth man?
“Shut your mouth, Leonard. I’ll deal with you shortly.” The man answered calmly. To Indigo, he said, “Remove your hand from my gun. Your dog is safe as long as she obeys your commands and doesn’t try to attack me.” The fingers from his free hand wrapped tightly around his neck. “Now, very slowly, release my gun and drop your hands to your sides. I don’t want to hurt you; you’re much too pretty for that.”
Indigo’s stomach should have rolled at the insinuation. The tightness of his fingers wrapped around his neck should have made him feel angry or scared…they did neither. No, his skin tingled everywhere Mr. Trace touched, even where his breath caressed Indigo’s burning skin when he talked. Indigo realized he truly was a freak, physically and mentally.
A warm thumb toyed with the pulse at the base of his neck. “What in this world am I going to do with you? You’ve stuck your nose where it doesn’t belong.” A finger suddenly toyed with his bottom lip. “I know what I should do, but I just can’t seem to make myself pull the trigger.”
Some of Indigo’s bravado returned. Just some, not enough to be proud of, but enough to make him run his damn mouth. “Maybe you’re just scared that I’ll fuck you over before your finger can even move a smidgen.”
“Maybe,” he agreed pleasantly, shocking Indigo into submission with his demeanor. “Tell me, pretty boy, why didn’t you just keep walking when you heard the altercation take place? Whatever happens between Leonard and Hollister shouldn’t concern you…yet, you stopped and tried to intervene on Hollister’s behalf. Strange. Chances are, he wouldn’t have done the same for you.”
“Asshole,” Indi heard my neighbor mutter in embarrassment or disgust…or both, of course. “You don’t know what I would have done!”
“I don’t like bullies,” Indi answered calmly, even though his pulse raced beneath the man’s fingertips. Regardless of how calm he tried to act Mr. Trace would be able to see straight through his lie. Well, he’d be able to feel the distinct change in his pulse. “And I don’t like you.” Sky growled. “Hold, girl. Stay!” Obviously, my dog could pick up on my senses, as well. Indi had zero doubt the asshole would shoot her without hesitation, so he had to do something to force his anxiety to a controllable level.