Page 25 of Broken Beast
"I can only hope," I say.
"Did you take these?" he asks.
My cheeks flush. "I haven't taken anything nearly as well composed or interesting. Not that my photos are bad. But I'm still learning. This artist… she's a master. She has another set we sold last year—"
Liam holds up his cell phone, displaying one of Dana DeLaney's older sets. Naked women, posing together, inviting the viewer to enjoy the girl on girl action, then turning it on its head as the girls embrace awkward poses and uncomfortable emotions.
"She's not afraid to make people gasp. Or make them uncomfortable. I'm not quite as provocative."
"You don't have any of babes fucking themselves?" he asks.
I can't honestly answer that with a no. "Not explicitly."
"So… un-explicitly?"
"I've tried to riff off her set. But I, uh, I mostly take self-portraits." My eyes meet Adam's.
He holds his poker face.
"And I'm not showing you those," I say.
"Wait. You're telling me there are photos, of you, without clothes."
"They exist," I say.
"And, yet I'm sitting here, looking at… you're beautiful in your pajamas, Danielle, but I'd rather see you naked." He looks to Adam, waiting for a response.
"Why are you looking at him?" I ask.
"You know men," Liam says. "They're territorial."
"Still. You could ask my permission first," I say.
Liam looks to Adam again.
He nods. "She has a point."
"You don't mind me staring at your girlfriend's tits?" Liam asks.
"I respect her as an artist," he says.
Is that part of our ruse? Or does he mean it?
My entire body buzzes with equal parts warmth and need.
Adam wanting me is one thing.
Adam respecting me as an artist?
It's hot in here. Way too hot.
"Well…" Liam raises a brow. "I want to see the best you have. If that image happens to include your tits…" He shrugs so be it.
Thankfully, Trish saves me from picking a photograph.
A mug of coffee for Adam. Full plates for me and Liam.
A fluffy stack of chocolate-chip pancakes, topped with sliced strawberries, fresh whipped cream, and rich maple syrup.
Mmm, just the right mix of cake and chocolate and sugar. A groan spills from my lips.
Adam's entire body tunes to mine. The subtle movement sends an electric charge through the air.
Liam notices too. He looks to me and raises a brow. "I can leave you two alone."
With my next bite, I stifle my groan. "This is amazing."
Liam nods it is.
"Do you eat like this every day? Every meal?" I ask.
"Trish is a fantastic cook. Had to get out so it didn't all go to my hips." Liam taps his narrow waist. "The ladies like a man with abs."
I tease him. "And since you're a giver, you had to oblige them."
He nods of course. "And little did I know it would earn me a gig modeling for the world's sexiest photographer," he says.
"I didn't offer you a job," I say.
"And you didn't show me your work yet." He swallows a sip of coffee. Motions for me to hand over my cell phone.
I can't do that.
There are too many explicit photos in my gallery.
But I can find something appropriate. "I'll text you something."
He looks at me curiously—no website, no social media—but he doesn't call me on it. He relays his number.
I tap it into my phone. Pull up my Dropbox app. Find a recent photo that isn't overly revealing. Okay. There. Woosh. "What do you do when you aren't harassing your brother?"
"World domination," he says.
"He works with me," Adam says. "Finance for Pierce."
"Oh, he said with me, not for me. That's progress." He stage whispers, "Adam likes to believe he created the entire company himself."
"He didn't?" I ask.
"He and Simon did most of the paperwork, but they needed my beautiful face to charm early investors."
"But you're rich." My cheeks flush. "I mean, this house belonged to your parents. Your family has money."
"Oh yeah. We're loaded," Liam says. "Spoiled rich boys all around." He motions to Adam. "Look at him, wearing a suit to breakfast."
"It's eleven," Adam says.
"It's a long drive." Liam shakes his head obviously. "We've always had money, but he and Simon tripled our net worth."
The picture message delivers.
Liam's eyes go wide. "Fuck, Danielle. You took this?"
"I did." It's one of my better photos. The curves of my neck, chest, stomach, hips. My fingers curling into my thighs. My nails painted black. My hair falling to one side.
Cropped at the edge of my breasts.
Sensual without actually revealing anything.
Liam turns the cell to Adam. "Have you seen this?"
"No." His pupils dilate.
"It's hot. But classy too." Liam nods with approval. "You have to do me like this."
"If Adam approves." He looks to Adam, giving him a chance to object.
But Adam holds that poker face.
"If you can afford me," I say.
Liam smiles and offers his hand. After we shake, he shifts his troublemaking tactics, starts telling stories about Adam as a dorky kid.
Apparently, even when he was a skinny dweeb, Adam attracted all kinds of female attention. But he barely noticed. He was always focused on something else.