Page 35 of Broken Beast
"Schnapps Snatch," Briar says.
"Did you make that up?" he asks.
"My best friend used to say it," she says. "You're horny but you can't cross the finish line."
"Really?" Liam's eyes go wide. "Tell me more."
"I've told you enough," she says.
"So when do I have to cut you off?" he asks.
"Depends. Do I need to be drunk enough to find you attractive?" she teases.
"Absolutely. That's two or three, minimum," he says.
She smiles, charmed.
He does it every time.
"This is two," he says.
"And, yet, I can't get past your horrible personality," she says.
"Not when I'm dressed. But when I'm naked." He calls to Danielle. "And soon, I'll have photos that are pure body. No personality."
"What do I need you for then?" she asks.
He chuckles. "Baby, if you're fucking yourself to my photos, that will be enough for me."
She makes a gag me motion.
"The human body is a work of art," he says.
"That is true," Danielle agrees.
"See," he says. "My photographer finally has her muse."
"You have to pay women to look at your naked body, huh?" Briar shakes her head. "Sad."
He laughs. "That was good. I walked into that."
"It's true," she says.
"I'm paying Danielle for her time and talent," he says.
"It would take a lot of talent to make you look tolerable," she says.
"Absolutely. But you're good for it, right?" he asks Danielle.
She laughs. "I've never shot a man before."
"No? You and Adam aren't getting freaky?" he asks.
"Sexts are private," Briar says.
"I didn't ask to see them," he says.
"You know your brother as well as I do. He's not the type to flaunt," she says.
"Wait. Are you saying there are men out there who don't flaunt their bods?" he asks.
"Or brag about their dicks maybe. Imagine that." Briar laughs.
"He won't pose for you?" He looks to me. "Really, Adam? That's cold."
"How could I compete with you?" I try to tease him, but it doesn't land. The three of them are light and easy.
The gin is making them effervescent.
It's an anchor around my ankle.
I need to get out of here.
We're done with dinner—some grilled fish and lemon vegetables. A fruit tart dessert. Plus espresso that will keep them going all night.
Liam didn't fight me over paying the check.
We can leave now.
I need to leave now. Before I ruin something else.
"Okay, I'll cut you off at five, Briar." He takes her hand and holds it up. "So you can come as you think of me tonight."
"Uh-huh." She plays coy, but she doesn't hide her blush.
"What about you, Danielle? When should I cut you off?" he asks.
"I've got it under control. But thanks," she says.
"And Adam? You said you know your limits?" he asks.
"We should go," I say.
"Ready to party already?" Liam jumps to his feet. "I know the perfect place. And they play eighties music all night. The only pop you like."
"You like eighties music?" Danielle asks.
"You mean you haven't seen the man singing about the plains in Africa?" He looks to me and raises a brow really. "He lights up like a pinball machine." He holds up a fake mic and mouths the chorus.
"Adam is more New Wave, actually, Liam," Briar says. "The only time I ever saw him smile was when you sang Tainted Love to him. Well, until tonight."
"I do a good Soft Cell," Liam says.
"Soft, huh?" Briar asks.
"Baby, you know what will happen if you bait me," he says.
She laughs I do. "One of my regular hangouts has a new wave night. It's a dive, but the music is great."
"I'm not really dressed for a club," Danielle says.
"You look fabulous though. You can't go home until you show that gown off again," Briar says.
Danielle smiles. "Thanks."
"One drink. A bar. Someplace quiet," Briar says.
"Quiet enough, you have to talk to me?" Liam asks. "That means she likes you, Danielle."
Briar laughs. "I do like her. I'd say more than I like you, but we all know that's setting the bar low."
"I love when you tease me, baby," he says.
She lets out another schoolgirl giggle. "One drink. Please." She looks to me. "You'll like the place, Adam. I promise."
"Yes, Adam. Don't be a party pooper." Liam presses his hands together as if he's about to drop to his knees and beg. "Or is this too close to what gets you off."
Danielle's chest heaves with her inhale.
I want to touch her.
That makes sense.
It's the only thing that makes sense.
But not now, not with my head this messy. I don't trust myself.
I stand, offer my hand, help her up.
She hooks her arms around my neck. "We can go home." Her fingers curl into my skin. "Or go somewhere else. Be alone."
Every molecule of my body begs me to say yes. To pin her to the wall, peel her panties to her ankles, fuck her until she's screaming my name.
But I can't risk hurting her.
Is it better to leave now?