Page 19 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
“Shit, baby, I need to give your neglected pussy some special attention now then.”
He threw her over his shoulder and charged to his apartment. He couldn’t move fast enough for his liking and her quiet giggles tore through the last of his restraint. He felt fifteen again; he was close to blowing his load and he hadn’t even got her naked yet. He dropped her on the bed and started tearing at her clothes. Both stripped, they clashed together with sexual heat and anticipation. Sharp, frantic movements had them both quickly groaning their releases.
Chapter six
Nicole couldn’t believe she was in bed again with Duke. She’d been pissed at him all day after the way he left this morning, leaving her after only being awake for thirty seconds. Yet, as soon as he walked in she felt the air in the bar come alive and the unsettled feeling in her stomach disappeared. She couldn’t resist him. So much for her plan to make him beg next time. She’d had to listen to the club sluts talking loudly, for her benefit, that Duke liked to put it about, never slept with the same girl for more than two days and that his apartment was the equivalent of Hugh Hefner’s grotto. Jealousy had risen it’s ugly head and she’d wanted to punch each one in the face. Luckily, she was savvy enough to know when she was being baited and so pretended to not hear them. It didn’t have the same level of satisfaction that a swift kick in the shin would have had, but she enjoyed imagining it anyway.
Being hooked on a guy this quick was so unlike her. She had entrusted Duke with her body and was constantly overwhelmed by his presence. She wasn’t irresponsible like her Dad and letting Duke take her last night, especially without a condom had her questioning her sanity. She made her last boyfriend wait nearly two months before they’d slept together, yet here she was in bed with Duke after knowing him for only two days.
She was looking for something permanent not throw-away. That was why she’d made her last boyfriend wait. She thought if he valued her and got to know her, he’d appreciate her all the more in the end. How wrong one person can be. It turned out he was getting it elsewhere, that was why he hadn’t pressured her. Not quite the good guy she had him pegged to be.
She really didn’t know anything about Duke at all. She’d watched him interact with his brothers. The friendship and loyalty he showed towards them was great to see. She also saw how he was with the club sluts and he acted the complete opposite. He ignored them and brushed them off him like an unwanted fly when they tried to touch him. She knew he’d slept with almost all of them at some point. The sluts had made sure she knew that. She couldn’t help but feel like she was destined to become one of them, clamouring for a scrap of his attention while he moved on to a new slut. Is that what she was now? A slut? She knew she could walk away from Duke, move on and not look back. However, there was a big part of her that looked forward to a happy ending, it kept her hopeful, not jaded and made her want to give Duke a chance – if he wanted it. It was time for her to be brave, take a risk and stop planning for disaster. Only time would give her an answer.
They’d started to chat about general stuff in the short breaks between fucking, things that would be found out on a first date. She chuckled to herself that most first dates take place in a restaurant, not a bed yet she wouldn’t change a thing. She would have never guessed that his name was Aaron Banks and that his brother, Razor was called Nate Banks.
“What did you think my name was?” He laughed at her shocked face when he told her. Nicole didn’t really see Aaron Banks as his name at all, he was simply, Duke.
“I don’t know. I guess something like Studly von Studlyson!” They both cracked up at her insane suggestion.
Now here she was, lying in his bed for the second night in a row. Duke was lazily running his hand up and down her arm, listening to her telling him about where she grew up when he abruptly paused. Keeping hold of her wrist, he rolled and switched on his bedside light. Glancing at his face, Nicole saw that he looked furious.
“What the fuck are these?” His thumb was rubbing over her wrist and then he reached for her other and did the same.
“My scars?” She was puzzled at his reaction. Why was he so angry? They weren’t a big deal.
“My scars? Yes, your fucking scars!” He’d managed to yell through gritted teeth.
“I thought you’d recognise them….” That had been the wrong thing to say. He was going nuclear. She could see his temple was throbbing on the side of his head and his eyes turned deadly. She quickly clarified. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant they’re from handcuffs and wires. I didn’t do it to myself.”
She lowered her head at what he must think of her. Growing up in poor areas she was no stranger to suicides. They weren’t common but they weren’t rare either. People got desperate and searched for a way out and finding none they grew desperate. She understood that even though he would never contemplate it herself. Duke must of thought she’d self harmed. She hated her scars. Like everything else in her life that she didn’t want, she had learned to live with them.
“There’s more than one or two here and a couple are fucking thick. Who did this to you? Tell me now, Nicole.” He lifted her chin and she knew he wasn’t playing around. His brown eyes stared into hers, unwavering in their intensity.