Page 23 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
“Is that so?” Nicole arched one eyebrow. All the bitches started to nod their heads.
“That’s so! But now we’re sick of waiting, so we’re here to speed things up a bit.” No one else was speaking so she focused on Helen.
“Nice being Duke’s fall back is it? Always sloppy seconds to someone else? You must feel so special and proud.” Helen’s teeth bared in anger. “And just how do you plan on making me leave?” Nicole laughed in their faces, they had no power in this club. Neither did she but at least she wasn’t delusional.
The bitches all looked at each other and a silent message seemed to pass between them. An ominous feeling spread through her. They started quickly towards her. Shit, her heart started to pound the closer they got. She had no where to go. Why hadn’t she kept her fucking mouth shut? Way to go, Nicole! She backed up until she felt something at her back, stopping her from going any farther. She frantically looked at the sides for a stray knife or anything to use as a weapon. Why did she have to clean up so well?! A menacing vibe twisted around her as she faced the approaching group.
“I’d prefer you leave in a body bag but I’ll settle for a stretcher.” Helen’s voice was barely recognisable, distorted by her fury into a feral growl. For the first time Nicole could see the club sluts as the predators they were always trying to be. She kept her gaze solely on Helen. That was her mistake.
Before Nicole could even process what Helen had snarled, she was hit on the side of the head with what felt like a rolling pin. She cried out as her vision swam and she fell to the floor. Nicole couldn’t believe they’d actually attacked her. She was in shock. She rolled her body towards the kitchen cupboards as all five bitches started to pummel her back, legs and head. Nicole’s front was all that was protected by the cupboards that she desperately pressed herself to. The all out fear she felt in her childhood returned ten fold. All the air left her lungs and pain enveloped her entire body as blow after blow rained down on her. She could feel blood running from her head into her eyes, her nose popped and her lip split as fists smashed into the side of her face. She could feel herself weakening, her body overwhelmed with pain and injury started to feel foreign to her. The insults and taunts being yelled were fading away as a loud buzzing filled her head. Nicole pulled Duke’s smiling face from her memory and tried to focus on it. With one more kick to her head, she blacked out.
Nicole was roused by faint voices, she wanted to reach for them but couldn’t respond or move at all. Fire swept through her already excruciating body as her arms were wrenched up. Several hands painfully dug in and locked on different parts of her body. Nails pierced her flesh as she was being dragged to only god knows where. This was it. Her body was going to be dumped and left to rot. She couldn’t fight what was happening to her, her body wouldn’t let her and all her mind did was play one horrific scenario after another, weakening her resolve to hold on.
“Hurry! Throw her in there and lock it. I’ll call Duke and tell him we need to speak as soon as he gets back. Hopefully she’ll be almost dead by then. Ain’t so pretty now is she!” a cackle any witch would be proud of sounded out. She heard Helen say more but couldn’t distinguish what it was, her voice was getting farther away. A loud slam of a door being closed and the click of a lock were the last things Nicole heard before silence engulfed her.
Her body had been dropped on a cold hard floor. It felt like cement, she wasn’t sure. She tried to move into a more comfortable position off her side and onto her front but her body wasn’t cooperating. The pain was debilitating and whatever injuries she had seared into her attempted calm and left nothing but a pathetic, weeping woman behind. She could feel the cold penetrating her skin and travelling into the depths of her body, wracking her with shivers. She was going to die here. There was no one to find her. No one even looking. No hope. Tears leaked from her eyes that she couldn’t fully open and her body convulsed as she suddenly vomited. The clench of her muscles forced a weak scream from her throat. She wished she could hold Duke one last time and tell him she loved him. Beg for him to love her in return. Nicole knew it was too late. It felt like forever…..but eventually the darkness took her again.
Chapter eight
Waking in the morning, Duke was eager to get back to the compound and Nicole. They were now only a couple of hours away after riding most of yesterday afternoon and into the night. He’d missed her like crazy, much more than he expected to. She’d burrowed under his skin while he’d been hypnotised by her eyes. Their twelve weeks together had flown by and he wanted her as much now as he did that very first day. When bitches had been throwing themselves at him on this run he found he wasn’t the slightest bit interested. He just thought of Nicole. Jewel and Shel were no goddamned help, always bringing her up and reminding him that she could be gone any day now. He just couldn’t let that happen. Everything with her felt like the first time, it was that intense. She was a woman to be savoured and he would never have enough.
He remembered her telling him about the small faint scars on her wrists and ankles and how her beautiful eyes had glazed over as she recalled the events that put the there. Even if he didn’t find her as stunning, sexy and smart as he did, he would still want revenge for her, and he was going to deliver it. There was always going to be a war with Riot MC at some point. Now though he had a few specific names to target in their ranks along with a few outsiders he’d be hunting down when the war was done..