Page 28 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
He kissed her forehead and his warm breath on her face soothed her rising panic. “I didn’t believe that slut for a second, baby.” The air rushed from her lungs in relief. She clung to him, her nails digging into his skin and closed her eyes. She wanted to block everything out. She was starting to feel exhausted again.
Prez cleared his throat. “Nicole, no one wanted to believe you’d do this and no one in this room thinks you did. But you have a right to know what you’ve been accused of and tell your side. You need to tell us what went on so when we face those bitches when we’re done here, we go in knowing the truth. So, what happened?”
She recounted the events to them, right down to every bitchy word she’d spewed before the attack. There was no point sugar coating her story, anything she did that instigated their actions she’d more than suffered for already. Nicole watched as fists were clenched, eyes squeezed shut and chests rumbled. She had to remove her hand from Duke’s, he was squeezing it too hard now. A few more of her tears escaped before she was through. Shel came and knelt by the bed and stroked her hair.
“I’m sorry this happened to you, Nic. Just so you know, I think your tattoo is awesome, might have get one myself – maybe in purple.” Shel’s face lit up with a big grin. Nicole couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up. She felt a weight lift from her that she hadn’t lost her friend.
“Darlin’, I’m all for that if it means you’re gonna keep that pussy waxed bare for me.” Prez smiled like he’d won the lottery. Nicole couldn’t help but be embarrassed as she realised a fair few people had now seen her tattoo.
“Good point. Although, I told you, honey….. I’ll wax if you do. You think I like flossing my fucking teeth every time I give you a blow job?”
Nicole’s giggling turned to an all out laugh. It hurt but was totally worth it. Shel had managed to break the tension in the room and everyone was enjoying a couple of minutes of normality. Prez looked kind of cute when he blushed.
“All right, baby, you need to rest and I’m gonna get this shit started. I’ll be back before you know it.” Duke kissed her head and arms several times and a very light one on her lips. Peace and relief took more tension from her body and she found herself relaxing completely under his attention. He slowly slid out from under her and propped her up with pillows as he moved. Duke pulled on his clothes while Slam gave her an injection. She kept her eyes on Duke until the lead weights forming on her eyelids won out. Just a second later, she was asleep.
Duke cast one long look back at Nicole before following the others down the stairs. The vision of the purple hue on her once flawless creamy skin fuelled his fury. He forced his mind to focus on what he was heading into. He’d get justice for Nicole. He missed having her in his arms already but he was so worked up to get this started. He couldn’t let another minute pass without some action. He walked into the bar and everyone stopped. Duke didn’t understand.
“What we doing in here? I thought you said those cunts were in the outhouses.” Any delays were just serving to piss him off further.
Prez stood before him and folded his arms over his chest. “You’re not thinking like my VP right now, Duke. I understand that, but if you can’t hold it together you won’t be coming in with us.”
Duke’s fists balled even tighter and he was sure his teeth would crack with how tight his jaw was clenched. He hated this fucked up situation. He’d never disrespect Reaper and part of him recognised that he was right.
“Don’t think I’m fucking with you, Duke…..the only reason this has been held off is ’cause I knew you’d wanna be there. Don’t make me regret that decision. The same goes for Razor and Slam. Remember, she ain’t your old lady in this, she’s the club’s collateral. Those bitches have to answer to the club, not just you.” Prez stated. Duke had to hold in his need to shout that she was his old lady. Arguing would get him nowhere.
“He’s right, Duke. There could be more going on here, we have to be smart. Jewel and Shel have been around these bitches a lot longer than Nicole and have told us what they can about each. Ain’t much but we’ll use it if the situation calls for it. Don’t think you’re the only one who’s pissed here. I’ve had to stop Jewel from stomping all over them cunts since the second she saw Nic come out on that fucking stretcher. Me and Prez got it worked out. We go through each of the posse first, then end with Helen. We all know she’s the ring leader in this shit.” Hollywood was wringing his hands as he spoke.
He appeared nearly as agitated as Duke. Duke knew a lot of that would come from seeing his old lady upset. Hollywood never handled that well, Duke hadn’t understood how some of the brothers could get so fired up over their old ladies. He got it now. The fire running through his blood was all for Nicole, not the club.
Duke gave one sharp nod and with a tilt of Prez’s chin they made their way to the first outhouse. They had thirteen dotted around the compound. Most were used for storage but six were kept empty. Those outhouses had large drains in the floor and it’s where they did their ‘wet’ interrogations. He knew there would still be splatters of blood on the walls and traces of nearly every kind of bodily fluid; they never managed to clean it all.
Prez unlocked the first door and they all went inside the dank space. Duke, Razor and Slam stood by the back wall as Hollywood and Prez towered over the redhead huddled in the corner. Razor pulled out his phone and started video recording. Duke gave him a questioning look. They never recorded any of this shit, what the fuck was Razor doing? His younger brother met his eyes and said the only two words he needed to hear… “For Nic.” Slam nodded his head and Duke couldn’t keep the smirk from his face. He couldn’t have asked for a better little brother.