Page 39 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
She laughed to herself as they started to warble a song that she didn’t recognise. It sounded like an old sea shanty, but they obviously didn’t know all the words or were just incapable of pronouncing them at the minute. Jesus, they were wasted. She didn’t mind. Duke rarely drank to this extent, in fact she’d never seen any of them this drunk. He’d taken their news so well, far better than she would have expected and she knew a night with his brothers would help ease some of the tension she had felt coming from him earlier. He was soon to become a daddy to triplets; the man deserved a drink.
Opening the apartment door, the men stumbled through. She stood laughing as Duke made his way to their bedroom, guided and supported by the wall. Razor staggered diagonally toward the couch where he collapsed, while Slam fell onto Dukes much loved recliner. She got some blankets and pillows and made them as comfortable as she could before going into Duke. She found him star-fished on the bed with his tee half off. She could guess she wouldn’t be getting that ‘good lovin’ he’d been promising her all night. He’d groped her every curve and shout-whispered into her ear all the things he wanted to do to her. She stripped herself and then pulled his tee the rest of the way off. Duke roused a little and was trying to put the moves on her. Unfortunately, he was nowhere near. He was trying to suck her nipple but his mouth was closer to her shoulder than her breast. She giggled when he fumbled with his jeans to release his engorged cock shortly before he passed out for the night. He brought a whole new meaning to ‘rock out with your cock out.’ She pulled on his tee that she’d just removed, loving its warmth and smell and snuggled up to him, embracing her own sleep.
Chapter twelve
Nicole sat in front of the mirror getting ready for her baby shower. She couldn’t believe eight weeks had gone by so fast. Ever since she found out she was pregnant her belly popped out more and more each day. There was no gradual build, it seemed she woke up one morning and bam! There was this huge bump. She’d often fantasised about being pregnant, sitting rubbing her nice round bump and basking in her pregnancy glow. That shit wasn’t happening. She had no glow, unless you count the sheen from the constant layer of sweat that coated her body. Her bump was never round. It was always misshapen by one of the babies stretching or wrestling with each other. The brothers found it fascinating as it was always moving and laughed when she shouted at her belly for them to “settle down,” “stop it” or “you’re so grounded when you get out of there!”
The day they found out what they were having was one of the best days of her life so far. She’d never seen Duke so ecstatic. The doctor had scanned her while they waited impatiently for the news. Duke had nearly climbed on the bed in his attempt to get a closer look at the monitor. And then the moment came.
“Well, everything is fine. You’re very healthy Nicole and your sons are a good size for sixteen weeks.”
“Sons?” Duke was grinning.
“Yes, you’re going to have three sons.”
Duke threw his head back and howled so loudly that security and nurses rushed into the room, not knowing whether they were facing an emergency or an attack. They stopped dead in the entry, quickly realising nothing was wrong. Dr Scance was waving his hands to discourage them from approaching. Duke had reacted by taking a defensive stance at the end of the bed, ready to protect her from whatever was rushing through the door. She couldn’t stop the all out laughter that escaped her looking at the faces of eight people scared to move because of Duke. He turned when he heard her laugh.
“You just had to howl didn’t you!” Tears were rolling down her face at this point.
Shortly after everyone left, Dr Scance continued her appointment. She’d done her own research on multiple births since finding out. She knew she’d probably end up on bed rest and having a c-section, so she wasn’t surprised to hear that. She was shocked by how many calories she had to intake daily and that soon her centre of gravity would dramatically shift, so she’d have to be extra cautious when moving around. Duke was ready to wrap her in bubble wrap already, so she knew his protectiveness was about to become stifling. They left the clinic happy and from then on it was all baby names and planning where to live.
Nicole was expecting Duke to be a little bummed to be losing his good old bachelor pad. He’d lived there since getting the position of VP three years ago and was his first stable home. He wasn’t though. Duke was forever coming back with real estate agent brochures and browsing online for the perfect house. He was more fussy than Nicole on what his boys needed to grow up. Things like a treehouse, game room and a big back yard with a park nearby. Whereas she was more concerned with good school areas.
It turned out the club owned several acres surrounding the fenced-in compound. Duke was reluctant to move too far away, he wanted her close to the compound when he would be away on runs in the future. He negotiated and brought an acre of land from the club and had a local architect design and build her dream house; a five bedroom home, with open plan family room and kitchen and a pool in the garden. It even had everything Duke wanted. Nicole was positive they’d end up having to compromise but in the end there was no need. She was so excited.
Duke told her it would be nearly a year before it was ready to move in, but she was ok with that. She’d joked that staying at the apartment with three babies would be an educational experience for them and give the brothers plenty of chance to learn how to change diapers. Duke had wanted to rent a house in the mean time but Nicole refused to waste money when the babies would be sleeping in the same room as them for a while anyway. The apartment was far enough away that they would never be disturbed by the noise from the bar and the sound of tail pipes were going to be present no matter where they stayed, so the babies would have to get used to them either way.