Page 45 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
Recognition slammed into him. Wrath flipped the bird to them before manically laughing as the truck sped off, closing the last door as it did. His feet took on a life of their own as he ran to the gates. He forced his way through the small gap that had started to open and he ran off in the direction of the truck. He frantically searched the surrounding area for it for a good twenty minutes. It was gone. The power went out of his legs and he fell to his knees in the road. Grasping his hair tightly in his hands, he let his grief momentarily over take him as he yelled, screamed and cried for Nicole and his unborn sons, who was now at the mercy of Riot MC.
He was pulled to his feet by Razor who embraced him and supported his weight.
“Come on brother. Keep it together for Nicole. We need to get back. Prez has called us to church and I know you need to be part of that. We’ll get her back bro. We’ll get her back.” Razor rasped while gripping him tightly.
He drew strength from his brother and forced his focus to the task in hand. Razor was right, he was no use to Nicole kneeling in the road. He needed to get her back and he knew they’d unleash the full fury of Fallen MC to do it. Running back to the compound, he kept going over the last half an hour in his head, making sure he hadn’t missed anything important. Nothing came to mind. He powered through the club with Razor on his heels and into church, which was now packed with all his brothers. He made his way to his seat beside Prez silently appreciating the supportive slaps on his back as he passed by everyone.
Prez stood bringing order to the room and banged his gavel on the table to start the meeting.
“You’ve all heard by now that Riot have taken one of our own. Nicole was held at gunpoint by her own fucking father, shot in the arm and then taken away in a truck. There is no doubt that we will find her and take Riot, as it stands, out for good. The war has started brothers.”
Hollywood stood next. “This happened only forty minutes ago. I believe Riot have done this in the hopes of starting the war while we are unprepared. They’re hoping that by taking Nic we’ll fall over our asses and attack with no plan. We are not them. We know our plan, we stick to it. We play this smart. Our main objective is to get Nic out safely and secondly, to make Wrath and everyone loyal to the fucker bleed. The good news is Wrath thinks all his brothers support his agenda. There are some true brothers in their club that just want to live and ride free. They’re not going to be happy that Wrath took an old lady, let alone one that’s pregnant. That’s our in. We know who they are and Slam, you contact them as soon as church ends.”
Prez issued his orders, “Razor, you take three brothers to their strip joint, Heat, and don’t discount the dancers. Those bitches overhear everything. Someone will know something. Hollywood, take four brothers to their first known hideout and Musketeers, you go to the second. Try to keep a few alive, we’ll need someone to question if Nic’s being hidden elsewhere. Throw their rancid asses into the outhouses till we get back. The rest are with me and Duke, we going to hit their club fast and hard. It’s kill or be killed brothers. Show no mercy, they sure as fuck won’t show you any. We meet back here in three hours.”
The bang of the gavel blasted through the room. Every brother had a face of thunder and were fired up for this war. They left the table, grabbed their guns and knives and passed through the club to the exit looking like hell’s soldiers. Duke passed Shel and Jewel, they would be in lock down with the other old ladies and kids. They tried to catch his eye but he didn’t want to see their devastation. Nothing was going to distract him from his goal. Nicole. He was laser focused now, sending silent thoughts to Nicole to stay strong, he’d be with her soon. The rumbles and vibrations of bikes firing up fuelled his fury. Nicole was his everything, there would be no rest and no end to this until she was safe again.
Chapter fourteen
Sat on the rusted floor in the back of the truck, Nicole was in complete despair. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her bump. Her only pitiful form of protecting her sons. She couldn’t get her mind to accept what had happened. She wanted to be angry, shout and scream at her captors but she didn’t have the energy for it and the lump in her throat was making it hard to breathe let alone make a scene.
She kept the last image of Duke in the forefront of her mind, his eyes flashing with determination and reassurance that he would save her. She knew in the very depths of her heart that he’d come but she couldn’t cope with the guilt if anything happened to him or his brothers. She was holding herself so stiff and still that her muscles ached with exertion. She wanted to curl into a ball and weep. Her own father had done this to her, to his grandsons, she felt like such a fool. He had no excuse for his actions in her mind. He could have called it off or at least told her to stay back when he saw she was pregnant. But no, the self-serving bastard had carried on regardless. If she’d only listened to Duke when he said to stay away she wouldn’t be in this position.
Nicole had always thought she was brave, could face anything head on but at the moment she couldn’t lift her head or open her eyes. She feared seeing her Dad or Wrath. She felt sick to her stomach at her Dad’s betrayal. What kind of father shoots his own daughter? She knew he was selfish but this was something else. There wasn’t a word strong enough to describe what he’d done, betrayal seemed too weak. The painful pulse from her gunshot wound was timed perfectly to her rapid heartbeat. She stayed focused on that, not allowing her mind to contemplate what she might be about to face.