Page 8 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
“Can I get another beer?”
“Sure.” She faced him with a big smile. It was forced yet still beautiful.
She was obviously pleased with her performance in front of the club sluts. He could tell that she was embarrassed that he’d witnessed it and was faking the full smile attempting to throw him off. No such luck, baby. He could tell this approach must have worked in the past. She was too smooth and confident with it. She must put up this front often. His cock jerked as he thought that there were some things she wouldn’t have to fake with him.
Smirking he asked, “So, what other MC did you belong to?” he saw her shoulders jerk, before her body stilled completely.
“I’ve never belonged to anybody.” She forgot to smile, he noted, pleased that he obviously rattled her.
“Ok, so which MC have you had dealings with?” He met her stare, letting her know she wasn’t dealing with some simple minded brother, he could see through her crap. She needed to know he wasn’t giving up until she gave up the goods.
“I don’t have dealings with anyone. That would be my Dad. Why do you think I’ve had anything do with another MC?” She was trying to steer the conversation her way but she wasn’t going to win with him.
“You know and recognise the structure of one. Pretty big give away. No one outside an MC knows unless they’ve lived it for a while.” She looked pissed off that she had given something away. He pressed “So, which MC was it?”
“Riot. Three weeks.” Her eyes were averted and she spoke the words rapidly. He didn’t get the impression that she was lying. Shame, he had some fun ideas on how to make her tell the truth. The thought that any of those rat faced fuckers might have touched Nicole made him want to set each one of them on fire.
“They’re whacked. Hardcore in some shit. Bastards don’t know when they’re beat.” Duke had a thought. “You might just come in handy after all.” Riot had been a pain in their ass since they started their MC a few years ago. They were ruthless but not smart and Nicole might just be the thing they need to get rid of them permanently.
“I didn’t get dragged into any shit. I just cleaned, served and kept my head down.” He could tell she was holding back.
“I don’t believe that for a second. Pussy that fine don’t walk through a club without some dicks trying to get it. You’ll know something. You just don’t know what you know. Could seem normal there, not important, yet could be quality info for us. It’s all business.”
“Listen, I don’t know anything. Everything that went on was behind closed doors. Please, just leave me out of it.” He could see her face pale, something had gone down at that club for her to be unable to disguise her reaction. She was clamming up with him and he didn’t want that. He wanted the info sure, but if some bastard had hurt Nicole they’d be paying for it with blood.
“We’ll see, sweetheart. Bar’s stocked now. Go rest up for an hour before the brothers get here. It’s going to be a long night. Not squeamish are you?” She wrinkled her nose in disgust, then quickly blanked her face again. Yeah, she knew what went on in an MC, definitely.
“Nah. Looking forward to some action.” She was trying to act nonchalant by wiggling her eyebrows. The very idea that she would get involved with some of the shit that happened here drove him into action.
Duke charged around the bar and backed her up to the wall. Caging her in with his arms, he bent and brought his lips within an inch of hers. Her perfect fucking breasts brushed against him as she panted from panic or lust, he wasn’t sure which and didn’t give a fuck at the moment with her soft curves pressed against him.
Starring into her eyes he whispered, “You look for action, you look for me. No other.” His eyes drifted all over her face, taking in every detail. Her lips were wet and parted as she dragged air into her lungs. “Fuck. What I could do to that mouth. You said yourself I own you, so heed my words, baby.”
He gently trailed his finger just above her shorts on the skin exposed below her tank. He felt her break out in goosebumps where he touched and her stomach muscles tense. His breath sawed in and out of him, mirroring hers. He pressed his weight onto her for a second, aligning there bodies perfectly. She gasped, feeling his obvious arousal.
Moving away, he forced out, “Get your rest, you’re gonna need it.”
His voice was gruff, his mouth filled with saliva. She literally made his mouth water. He turned away, grabbed his beer and made his way to his apartment, readjusting his throbbing junk once he was out of her sight.
Chapter three
What the fuck was that? She’d have to get to a bathroom, fast, because she was pretty sure her juices had soaked through her shorts. In her room, she pressed her hand between her thighs to try and stop the throbbing. She was slick with juices and he’d only touched her for a second. She could still feel the heat on her stomach, a perfect path mapping where his finger had wandered.
This is what she got for not having sex in nine months. She must be in some type of withdrawal. Her body was craving his. She told herself it was only physical because the guy was clearly a jackass. How did he manage to fluster her so quickly? He pushed through the front she had put up instantly, no one had ever affected her like that. She wouldn’t survive her time here in this state. There was only one thing for it…..get it over with by getting under him, then get on with her life.
Nicole had never been prudish and accepted sex for what it was. Sometimes it showed emotion between a couple and sometimes it scratched an itch. It didn’t have to be complicated. There was a rawness to Duke that made her body quiver. She could only imagine what state he could put her into if she gave him a chance. She’d have to make it clear that she wasn’t looking to hook up randomly with the brothers. She hadn’t met many of them yet but she was confident that none of them would affect her like Duke had. If they did, God help her. Accepting her fate that she was going to give it up for Duke and pretending she was reluctant and not the least bit excited or nervous, she opened her tiny window and lay down on the bed.