Page 4 of Heiress's Baby Scandal
She knew better.
Thank goodness she’d decided to carry her heels because if she’d had to walk in those things over to the new wing, she’d have fallen flat on her face and probably split the seams of her dress in the process.
“Quit fidgeting,” Scarlet ordered from beside her. “You look great.”
She looked a fool—not that she could see how foolish she looked, not without her glasses.
Only this time was much worse than past embarrassments because she was at the hospital where she worked, surrounded by the people she worked with, people who, until today, had respected her as Dr. Eleanor Aston.
Dr. Tyler Donaldson grinned at the cute little nurse who worked in the obstetrics department and considered the possibilities.
Just as he knew she was sizing him up.
No doubt she’d heard about his reputation.
Everyone at the hospital knew he was a love-’em-and-leave-’em kind of man.
He liked it that way. Truthfully, he was pretty sure most of the women liked it that way, too, although they’d never admit it.
He was a good time waiting to happen, but not a keeper.
However, the blonde was looking at him as if she wouldn’t mind keeping him occupied for the night.
“I can’t believe Dr. Aston isn’t here yet,” she chattered, although Ty was more interested in what her eyes were saying. Those eyes were saying you and me, bub, hot and sweaty between the sheets.
Although he hated admitting it, lately he’d been getting bored with women.
“I never would have thought she’d be late.”
Dr. Aston? No, he wouldn’t have pictured her the type to be late either. She seemed much too uptight to be anything other than punctual. Unless something had come up with one of her tiny patients and then Ty could see the dedicated pediatrician blowing this celebration altogether. He’d be hard-pressed to name a more dedicated doctor.
“It’s so difficult to believe she and Brooke Aston are really sisters.”
He’d have to live in another country not to know who Brooke Aston was. The media loved her. The image of a blonde bombshell came to mind. Yeah, accepting that the two women came from the same DNA pool was difficult to believe.
“Brooke was supposed to have been here to cut the ribbon, but she caught a virus or something while volunteering at some charity event for sick children,” the blonde prattled on. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”
From the things Ty had seen about the infamous senator’s daughter, he had a hard time envisioning her getting close enough to sick kids to have actually caught something from them.
“Maybe one of them was adopted,” he suggested to make polite conversation. With the publicity for the new wing, he’d heard about the family connection prior to this evening. As Eleanor didn’t make a bleep on his possibility radar, he hadn’t paid much attention to the hospital gossip.
But something about her irked him. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was about her, just that he’d decided to steer clear.
“Oh, my word!”
At her gasp, Ty’s attention jerked back from thoughts of a woman who crept into his mind more often than a woman who didn’t make a bleep on his radar should to the OB nurse. Her gaze was fixed beyond him to the hallway leading into the new wing. He turned to see what she was looking at and found his own breath catching in his throat.
It took him only a moment to realize who he was looking at. Even then he had to do a double take before he could convince himself that he wasn’t wrong. But once he realized that it was really her, his chest tightened, making him gulp for much-needed oxygen.
“I don’t believe it,” the nurse next to him muttered. Neither did Ty.
He didn’t believe he’d totally missed that Dr. Eleanor Aston had been hiding a killer curvy body beneath those baggy scrubs she wore. Wow.
Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.
Hell, what was his possibility radar doing? He was not interested in Eleanor. Not in baggy scrubs or in a body-hugging red dress that ought to be labeled lethal. Not with her gorgeous brown eyes wide and uncertain rather than hidden behind her glasses as she faced the crowd. Not with her glossy black hair flowing loosely down her back rather than tightly pinned to her scalp.
Only he was and maybe he had been all along.