Page 107 of Jane Millionaire
Her lids fluttered. “Maybe for ratings.”
“The only rating I care about is your heart’s.”
She blinked, went to wipe her tears away and realized the phone was still in her hands. She stared at it a moment before absently tossing it to someone behind her. Her sister, who’d promised him that Jill would watch tonight’s show come hail or high water, he imagined.
Aw, what the hell? He dropped back to one knee and took her hand in his. “I love you, Jill, with all my heart. I have to believe you still love me. You told me you loved me in the stairwell. I was too blind to see the truth, to realize I loved you, needed you.”
A sob shook her body and he longed to stand and take her in his arms, but if he didn’t finish he might not get the nerve back up.
“Jill, I once said I preferred to be alone, but that’s not been true from the moment I met you. I just didn’t know wh
at loneliness was until I faced life without you.” He gently squeezed her hand. “Please do me the honor of sharing my life.”
Her hand trembled in his.
“The honor of being my wife.”
Love shined in her eyes.
“Say it,” he asked as he stood.
She stared up at him. “But I thought you wanted me to go on a week’s vacation with you?”
“A honeymoon, Jill. A real one.”
“What about the differences in our background?”
“You’re not willing to tie yourself to a poor hombre from East L.A.?”
“I’m a cop. You’re you. How would we ever fit our lives together?”
“One day at a time, Jill. One day at a time.” He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have you by my side. Are you willing to do the same? To love me even when I’m stubborn and foolish and full of pride?”
His heart lurched as his strong, capable Jill nodded amidst her tears. “One day at a time?”
“Every day for the rest of my life.”
She smiled and he knew they’d make their two worlds mesh. That each day would bring them closer, make their love stronger through the ups and downs the future would toss at them.
“Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Clapping sounded all around them, but Rob didn’t pay any attention to the film crew or to the fact that millions had watched him put his heart on the line. He only had eyes for Jill as he stood and pulled her into his arms.
If America wanted to tune in, well, he’d let the networks worry about what drivel they aired next.
He was busy living a reality all his own.