Page 11 of Jane Millionaire
“Hell no.” Rob was on his feet.
Several of the crew and Jill flinched at his exclamation.
“You know I’m not into publicity. Putting me in front of the cameras is asking for an invasion of my privacy.” Rob’s jaw set in a determined clench. “I won’t do it.”
JP’s bushy brow quirked upward. He and Rob stared at each other, silent messages flying back and forth between the two tense men. Just as Jill wondered if they would come to blows, Rob flopped down in his chair in apparent defeat.
Her mouth fell open as the crew visibly sighed with relief and more than a little disbelief that Rob had conceded to JP.
The older man flashed a triumphant grin and slapped Rob’s shoulder. “Say hello to our new host with the most.”
Chapter Three
“I don’t appreciate how you put me on the spot a few minutes ago.” Rob leaned back in his worn leather chair, toyed with an ink pen, and tried to remember his friend had meant well.
JP had walked Jane out after Rob had called a quick end to the meeting, then hung around until they were alone in the make-shift studio.
“Had to.” JP didn’t look one bit repentant as he flopped into the chair next to Rob.
“I know you.”
Rob frowned and waited for JP to continue. He didn’t have to wait long.
“You’d have found a way to wheedle out of going on screen if I hadn’t made my suggestion in front of the crew. Now, they’re all excited at the prospect of you hosting and it’ll be more difficult for you to squirm you’re way out.”
He ran a hand through his hair. What was JP talking about? Why would he even want him to be onscreen?
“Exactly why is it that you think I shouldn’t refuse? You of all people know that being in front of the camera holds no appeal to me.”
“But you were damn good, boy.”
Rob snorted. “Circumstances and you put me in the limelight. My goal was never to continue acting. I can’t say I’d change the past if I could, but the thought of being center-stage again gives me heartburn.”
“Don’t you think it’s about time you got over that?”
“Uhm,” Rob thought about his answer for all of two seconds. That’s about how long it took to come up with the right answer. “No.”
JP shook his head. Disappointment similar to what Rob imagined a father felt toward a son who’d fallen short shone on the older man’s face. JP had been more of a father to him than the Puerto Rican bastard who’d ran off when Rob had been barely out of diapers.
“Aw, hell, JP,” Rob relented, not being able to stand the look in JP’s eyes. “I’m a behind the scenes man. Not some pretty boy host.”
JP’s lips twitched as he stood and clapped his hand against Rob’s shoulder. “Now, that’s not how I hear it. According to The Tattler, you’re a pretty boy, indeed. Although your hospitality is only known when it comes to charming the ladies.”
The Tattler. He hated that rag magazine. He’d been raked over the coals one time too many, but not in the past few years. He’d intentionally skirted situations that would call media attention to him other than professionally. Until this crazy reality TV stuff.
“Yeah, well, thanks to you, I’ll probably make the cover. Reality TV Host has Millionaire Alien Baby Who Looks Like Oprah or some other such nonsense.”
JP laughed. “Just think of the free advertising that would give Jane.”
Rob shook his head, but grinned, grateful the disappointed expression on JP’s face had vanished. “Always planning ahead, heh?”
Practically rubbing his hands together in glee as he agreed, JP grinned in a way that left Rob’s stomach unsettled. “Always.”
# # #
“Rob, wait,” Jill called as she jogged to catch up with him. He’d not said much after he called an end to the meeting. She’d wanted to linger, but JP had practically pushed her out of the room and it would have been too obvious if she’d gone back.