Page 49 of Jane Millionaire
Rob coughed. Loud. As if he had something hung in his throat.
Jill turned to look at him, along with Jeff and the three cameramen.
“Sorry about that,” Rob apologized, waving his hand at them dismissively. “Ignore me and continue filming this scene.”
“Date, not scene,” Jill corrected.
“Hard to do when you keep interrupting,” one of the cameramen mumbled under his breath, but Jill heard and had to stifle a smile. Had Rob heard him as well?
She met his eyes and heat scoured her insides.
No need to keep wondering. Jeff’s kiss had been brotherly, would remain brotherly, and she had the feeling only one man’s kiss would ever fill her with passion.
And he’d ordered her to kiss another man.
She turned back to Jeff and changed the subject from their previous conversation. “JP told me you went to the daycare today. How did it go?”
Jeff glanced back and forth between her and Rob, but didn’t comment or ask the questions she saw in his gaze. “It was a riot. Those little scrappers practically had Bachelor #11 tied up before I could rescue him.”
“Tell me more. The idea of all you hunky guys teaching a day of preschool fascinates me.” Why couldn’t she forget that Rob’s gaze bore into her? Why didn’t he go do something else? This was difficult enough without him scrutinizing her every move.
“Well, I think we probably gave a good imitation of comic relief today.” Jeff pulled their food out and mouthwatering spicy aromas filled the air. Man, she was hungry. How long had it been since lunch? If you could call that measly meal Bachelor #2 had served her lunch.
“JP says you stayed calm and collected. You more so than any of the other bachelors.”
“It wasn’t my hair that had glue squeezed into it.”
Jill covered her mouth with her hand, smothering her shocked laughter. “They didn’t?”
“Yep, but that’s not all.” Jeff launched into more tales of his adventures at the daycare. Jill laughed so hard her stomach hurt. Which seemed appropriate as her chest ached from longing to picnic with Rob. To lie on this itchy blanket and spend hours talking with him. Then hours making love with him.
Her breath caught at the image of her and Rob tangled together under the moonlight sans cameras and crew.
She snuck a glance and caught a deep scowl on his face. There would be no moonlight picnics between she and Rob in her future.
With a heartfelt sadness, she faced Jeff, listening to his tales. She laughed again, although the sound came out a tad high pitched.
Chapter Ten
God had sent Jane to torture him. That had to be the explanation for why she kept sneaking glances at him.
Of course, one might argue that he deserved his current state of torment since he’d booted JP and insisted upon supervising the filming of Jeff and Jane’s date.
What had he been thinking?
That the crew would hear him this time if he yelled cut?
And there for a few seconds he’d almost expected Jane to lean over and kiss Dr. Doolittle. He’d seen the curiosity in her eyes.
And instead of having the cameraman to zoom in, he’d hacked like a hyena with pneumonia.
“Boss, I think we’ve got it from here, if you want to go back to the castle,” one of the cameramen offered.
Hell no. “Uhm, I’m fine. Thanks.”
The man shrugged. “Just thought I’d offer since you’ve got that nasty cough.”
Rob rolled his eyes and pointed for the man to record Jane and Kensington. “Pay attention to them. Not me.”