Page 67 of Jane Millionaire
With a few powerful kicks, they surfaced.
He gulped a lungful of air as he lifted her chin. “Jill, wake up. Jill.”
He jerked hard against her chest with the arm he held her with, hoping to clear her lungs. Rubbing her cheek with his free hand, he prayed he’d been in time. Water spilled from her lips and she coughed. Blood trickled down her face, oozing from the gash on her head.
“Jill, open your eyes.”
Her lids sprang apart to reveal dazed, dilated pupils. She coughed again and sucked in air. Her body trembled against his as he kept them above surface.
“Shh, it’s going to be okay, babe.” Without thought he kissed her temple. “I’ve got you.”
The boat pulled up to them and Rob reluctantly let go of Jill to assist the crew in pulling her into the boat. With water dripping off her soaked body, the crew hauled her from the lake.
Rob attempted to lift himself into the boat, but found he couldn’t. His muscles had locked down. He grabbed hold of one of the cameraman’s hands and allowed the man to help him.
He ignored an offered towel and immediately went to Jill.
She huddled on the matted boat carpet, shivering. A towel wrapped around her drooped shoulders. Another towel was pressed to her bleeding head. Coughs racked her body as she fought to clear her lungs.
Hell, she could have died.
He sank to his knees beside her, causing her wide eyes to meet his. Amazingly, her trembling lips curved in a small smile.
“Bet you don’t use that on tonight’s show.”
The show? She thought he was worried about the damn show when he’d almost lost her?
Whoa. He was jumping the gun. He didn’t have her to lose. They’d had their one night and had both agreed that was all they’d ever have. The show was what mattered most to him. That’s why he’d been so worried about her. Without her, Jane Millionaire didn’t exist. His concern wasn’t personal.
Jill was just a sexy as hell woman who he’d been thrown into an extraordinary circumstance with. It wasn’t as if he wouldn’t have done the same for anyone. He would have.
But it had been Jill, he’d saved her, and she was smiling at him.
Damn, he’d missed seeing her smile.
With a weak smirk of his own, he ignored the turmoil inside him and squeezed her hand.
“No, I doubt you plunging to the bottom of the lake would help ratings.” His gaze dropped to her clinging shirt. “Although if the network ever decides to air a wet T-shirt competition, you should definitely audition.”
Her mouth dropped open as her gaze lowered to her sopping clothes. Rob grinned, then remembered the idiot who’d caused all this to begin with.
He glanced around, knowing the crew would have hauled the man into the boat.
Bachelor #4 sat in a seat with a towel draped over his shoulders, looking stunned by the events that had followed his foolish behavior.
Rob’s fist clenched as he rounded on the man. “What the hell were you thinking?”
“How was I supposed to know the canoe would topple?”
Rob stood, determined to knock out a few of the idiot’s perfectly even teeth.
A frightened light shined in the bachelor’s eyes.
“Don’t do it. He isn’t worth it.” One of the crew’s hands grasped Rob’s shoulder.
Rob gritted as he fought the need to pummel the man. “You’re through,” he spat out.