Page 89 of Jane Millionaire
“Did I say you’d hurt me?” His gaze pierced straight to her heart.
Isabella winced. “No, but if you would let me explain.”
“Explain what? How you disappeared from my life for a year?”
“Yes.” This was much harder than she had imagined it would be. “I do want to explain that to you. And much more.”
“Have you considered that maybe I no longer want to hear it?”
Yes, she had considered that possibility many times. Why had she listened to JP? He had only wanted her here for his show. She sighed. No, he had been right to push her. She had to start facing her fears. As the soon-to-be ruler of this country she would not be able to cower when unfortunate circumstances arose.
“I hope that is not true.”
Jeff looked around the room. What was running through his mind? He looked harassed. And she had done this to him. All because she had selfishly wanted to see him.
“Can we please go somewhere away from the cameras to discuss this in private. I have much to tell you.”
His blue eyes jerked to her. “In case you haven’t noticed, the cameras are everywhere, except the johns. You wanna talk in there?” His biting words did not suit him, but she understood his anger.
Isabella stood her ground, drawing upon a deep heritage of bravery to see her through this day. “Come to my suite. There are no cameras in the west wing. I would not allow it as it is where my family’s private quarters are located.”
His chest heaved. “This is your castle? You’re really a princess?”
“Yes. That is why I had to leave you. My father became ill. A stroke. He passed away a few months ago, and I am left to fulfill his duties.”
Jeff laughed, a humorless sound that echoed around the room. Isabella glanced around, meeting the gazes of the curious onlookers. She and Jeff were the center of attention now that the two other women had exited the room. All cameras pointed in their direction.
“Please, may we go to my quarters? You have traveled so far thinking you would see me. I am here now. Would you refuse to listen to what I have to say?”
He threw his hands up. “I can’t believe any of this is happening. Jane isn’t Jane. You’re Jane. Some crazy woman who looks like Jane drags Jane out of here. Or who I thought was Jane out of here.” He touched his forehead. “I think I need an aspirin.”
Never had she seen him so upset. So very distraught.
“I will have one of my servants attend to you. Follow me, Jeff. Please.”
He stared at her, then nodded. “Sure, your Highness. Whatever you say. After all, I’m in your country and you could probably have me thrown in jail if I disobeyed.”
“Good idea.” She would agree to whatever he suggested if it would get them out of the spotlight. She did not want to bare her heart with cameras capturing every word. “Come now or I will have my chief of security lock you in the dungeon.”
Which w
as a sham since this castles dungeon had not been in working order for several centuries.
Mouth clamped shut Jeff followed her. When JP and two cameramen went to join them, Isabella shook her head. She would not have her private quarters invaded by the film crew. Her gaze caught JP’s and she braced herself for his insistence upon accompanying her.
For once, he did not argue. Instead he smiled and gave her a thumb’s up motion.
Americans were so confusing.
Or maybe it was just men that she did not understand.
# # #
Breathless from disbelief, Jill yanked free of Jessie’s grasp.
Where was the freaky music? This was one hundred percent Twilight Zone. Or maybe one of those “Jill Davidson, you’re on Candid Camera.” moments. Jessie couldn’t possibly be here, in Europe, at the taping of JANE MILLIONAIRE’s grand finale.
Thank God it hadn’t been live.