Page 69 of Breath of Life (Godstone Saga 2)
The general grunted. “Yeah, that sounds like a politician.”
Eno turned his attention to Drayce. “General Morgan has spoken to Caelan.”
Drayce lurched out of Eno’s grip, closing some of the distance between him and the tall woman. “Really? When? How is he? Can he escape?” He was about to grab the front of the woman’s uniform and shake her to get his damn answers. They’d not heard from Rayne or Caelan since they’d parted ways. That was three fucking days ago! He needed to see his Cael.
“It’s been three days. It sounds like he’s safe enough for now. Croft needs him alive to complete a peaceful transfer of power, or she risks losing what little support she’s managed to garner in this half-assed coup of hers.”
“What are your plans, Eno?” Tomas inquired.
Drayce spun around, standing between the General and the bodyguard to pin the man with the darkest look he could muster. If Eno said anything other than going to get Cael and Rayne, he was leaving on his own. Caelan had ordered them to free Green Gate. They’d done that. Now it was time to rescue their friends. Drayce was more than happy to do that with or without Eno’s help.
The asshole smiled at him as if he knew he was driving Drayce insane.
At last he announced, “We’re going to visit the chancellor and see if we can spring our friends.”
Melita lifted an eyebrow as she watched them and rubbed her wounded shoulder. “You realize she’s got a good number of guards up there. Almost as many as Green Gate had.”
Eno shrugged. “Getting captured isn’t a problem. I figure it’ll be much easier to break them out if we’re stuck inside with them.”
Drayce spun to face the general. “We won’t have to worry about capture if you loan us say…a hundred of your men. We can take down Croft and rescue the king like that,” he finished with a snap of his fingers.
Morgan was already shaking her head. “Freeing them could mean killing Erya citizens. Only a crazy man starts a civil war while he’s still locked in another war.”
“She’s right,” Eno chimed in. “It’s better if the Royal Guard stay clear of this mess for now. They’re going to have their hands full dealing with the Empire and getting these food supplies distributed across the city.” He turned his attention to Tomas, his expression turning grim. “Once we get the king free, we’ll be in contact. If I know Caelan, his next goal is going to be the Godstone. Bonding with the goddess is the only thing that can throw a wrench in the Empire’s plans.”
The general’s eyes narrowed. A chill slithered along Drayce’s spine that had nothing to do with his wet clothes. “You seem to know more about His Majesty’s plans and the Empire’s goals.”
“I do, but you’ll have to forgive me for not saying more. It’s not my place to share my king’s plans.” Eno bowed his head to General Morgan and sharply straightened. “I’m sure when King Caelan is free, he will be able to impart more to his supporters and allies. More than Erya is in great danger right now and we all have to act with great caution.”
Drayce was surprised by the formality of Eno’s tone. If Rayne could see Eno right now, he had a feeling the advisor would be quite proud of him.
“I’m not happy, but I understand,” the general grumbled. “I’ll be taking care of matters in Green Gate until I hear from the king or Tomas for our next step.”
Eno bowed to them one last time and Drayce followed suit. They turned and walked into Uni Gardens. While most of the Empire soldiers had been taken care of, a few small groups were still being organized to be sent outside the city. Normal Stormbreak citizens were starting to come out and head through Green Gate carrying empty bags. It was the first time in weeks the gate had come under Erya control, and it was the best chance at getting some food.
As they stood talking, Drayce had overheard some commanders shouting orders to other soldiers to go from farm to farm, checking to make sure that New Rosanthe had left the area and that all the stored food was safe. Whispers rippled among the people that King Caelan had made this happen and King Caelan had ordered the army to take control. It was a shame the ragtag Erya fighters weren’t getting the credit, but it was even better that Chancellor Croft wasn’t getting any credit for feeding the people of Stormbreak.
“I stashed our bags near here. We can grab them and head over to the university president’s mansion. It’s only about five or six blocks from here,” Eno announced.
“Do you think we can trust the general?” Drayce asked softly. He hated that he’d even uttered that question, but after the betrayal of Chancellor Octavia Croft, he didn’t know who he could trust anymore.