Page 62 of The Truth About Us
Abby: I’m serious!!
Cammie: So am I!!
Cammie: Okay, seriously. I doubt he’s mad at you. Why would he be mad? You hardly dragged him out of his window and you didn’t force him to sneak out.
Abby: I know but it was my idea and this whole thing with my grandmother and the detective is my thing, not his. So, aren’t I to blame by default? Plus, he seemed upset with me.
Abby remembered the way he looked at her and told her to go home. It hurt just thinking about it.
Cammie: No. Kaden’s a big boy. He made his own choice. But if you’re so worried, why don’t you just call him?
Abby: I would love to, but he doesn’t have a phone.
Cammie: What?!?!?
Abby: I know!
Cammie: So, go to his house.
Abby: His dad hates me.
Cammie: How could his dad...wait never mind. I’m beginning to suspect there’s a lot I don’t know. Just go. Who cares about his dad. You’re worried about Kaden AND his sister. If his dad doesn’t like it, tell him to shove it.
Abby: Okay. You’re right, except for that last part. I’m not doing that. Thx!
Cammie: Any time. And you should do it. Tell him to shove it, that is.
Abby crammed her phone back in her pocket and sprung off her bed. She was going to his house whether his dad liked it or not. No matter how mad he may be, she’d get him to talk to her. She’d smooth things over because the only thing worse than this scavenger hunt GG sent her on was doing it alone. And not just alone but without him.
The sudden realization that she wanted Kaden in her life more than she wanted answers scared her more than any mysterious family secret ever could.
BY THE TIME SHE PULLED up to his house and made her way to the front door, she forgot everything she planned on saying. The entire drive, she rehearsed her apology, but now, her mind drew a blank.
Raising her fist to knock, she pushed her shoulders back, preparing herself for two possibilities. Mr. Oliver would answer and send her away, or Kaden himself would tell her to leave. The latter notion sat in the pit of her stomach like rotten fruit.
She rapped on the door once and waited. When she heard nothing, she knocked a second time, followed by the telltale thud of footsteps from inside. She straightened her spine, feigning confidence despite the way her heart leapt into her throat.
The door swung open, and Kaden stood in front of her. His tall, slim form loomed over top of her petite frame. His golden locks stuck up in little tufts like he’d been sleeping half the day while dark circles encapsulated his eyes.
When the sight of her registered, his eyes widened the tiniest fraction. “Oh, hey.”
Abby twisted her hands in front of her body, her nerves on edge. “Hey. Um, I was out and thought I’d stop by. I wanted to check on you. See if you were okay and see how Sophie was doing...”
Her voice trailed off, unsure of what else to say, wishing Kaden would interrupt and stop her—make this easier on her. Emotions weren’t exactly her forte.
He blinked, saying nothing, then reached a hand up to his tired eyes and rubbed. “Uh, yeah. Sorry. I didn’t get much sleep. Sophie’s okay. Turns out she has a late case of the flu. Friday night she got dehydrated which is why she was out of it. They gave her some IV fluids and some meds to help her symptoms and kept her yesterday for monitoring. We just have to wait for the virus to ride itself out, but she’s better than she was. They discharged her this morning, so...” He shrugged.
“Oh.” Abby’s mouth rounded on the empty word.
She wasn’t sure what she expected from him, but it wasn’t this. The fact she’d made an improvement and he’d been home all day without letting her know everything was fine bothered her more than she’d like to admit.
“Well, do you wanna go hang out, get a coffee or something?” she asked.
“Can’t. I’m watching Sophie. My dad had to go into work.”
“I’m surprised he even left her with how frantic he was Friday night.”
Kaden stiffened, and she wished she could shove the words back in, certain by the bulging vein in his neck he took them the wrong way. But it was too late.