Page 107 of Real Love
She thought Sean was talking about her. “I’m headed up to Cummings and Bradley and they aren’t as open as you are about pets, so I left her with Antonio.”
“Next time leave her here and she and Simon can play.”
“Are you sure she won’t be in the way?”
“No, it’ll be fine.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“So what did you get?”
“The bag.”
“Oh, here.” She handed him the white paper bag. “I thought you might be hungry. I stopped by the cafe and got you a little something.”
“How did you know I was going to be stuck inside today?” He smiled looking inside the bag. “Lamb stew, my favorite, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So what’s going on?”
She sat down and crossed her legs. “Nothing, just work.”
He put a spoonful of stew into his mouth and swallowed. “Man this is good.”
“What about you?”
“Not a lot.”
“Do you want to go to dinner Friday?”
“Why not, got a hot date?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Oh.” Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. Friday and Saturday dates are huge or at least that’s what she thought. Maybe her date last week with Sean wasn’t as big a deal as she thought. Maybe it really was just two friends. “So who’s the lucky lady?”
“It’s a blind date.”
“Why are you going on a blind date?”
“Because my brother wants peace at home.”
“Excuse me?”
“My sister-in-law has convinced my brother I need to settle down. So she arranged for me to take out her college roommate’s sister.”
“Are you kidding me?” She forced a smile, but inside she was upset Sean was dating…even if it was just a favor.
“No. And I know if I don’t go, she’ll just keep nagging my brother and he’ll keep nagging me. So the best thing to do is just go.”
“So where are you taking her?”