Page 117 of Real Love
“But I hadn’t been living a very…pure life,” Kyla confessed.
“No, but when you came to Bible class and were receptive, it probably opened the door for the Holy Spirit to come alive again in you. You said you started hearing the voices after the first time you came to Bible class?” DeeDee asked.
“All this angst and confusion you’ve been experiencing is your spirit man fighting with your carnal man.” Mike got up and left the two women alone. “See, your spirit man was asleep and that environment, hearing the Word, woke her up and she sensed you were eager to change. You said you’ve been spending time with Sean.”
“Yes. He’s been talking to me about God and church. Honestly, in the beginning I was asking him questions so I could get close and seduce him.”
“But…he wouldn’t give in. Instead, I…and I thought he set this job up with you two as a way to get me in church and save my soul.” They laughed. “And look what happened.”
“All of that opened the door for the Holy Spirit. Do you know what speaking in tongues is?” she asked.
“Not really.”
“That’s how you communicate with God on a higher level.” DeeDee started speaking and it sounded like babbling, but it also sounded beautiful. And then she stopped.
“I want that,” Kyla announced.
“Okay, stand up.” They both stood up and DeeDee took her hands in hers. “Close your eyes. Repeat after me. Father, I believe in You and Your Son and want that gift, Your Holy Spirit in my life. Amen. Now follow my lead and just let the words flow.”
Kyla closed her eyes doing as DeeDee said and the babble flowed. Her inside felt free and she felt strong and empowered. DeeDee let go of her hands and hugged her.
“Now what?” Kyla asked.
“I pray in the Spirit every day and,” she leaned in close. “If Mike ticks me off, the Holy Spirit and I have a long talk.” They laughed. “Seriously, when you’re praying in the Spirit, your carnal man doesn’t know what you’re saying, but your Spirit man does. That’s what’s so good about it. You’re communicating with God on a level no one, not even you can interfere with. Before you leave, I’ll give you some books on the Holy Spirit and if you want to talk, call me.”
“Okay, thanks.” They sat down.
“Honey.” Mike came back and sat next to DeeDee.
“We good?” he asked.
“Yes, Miss Kyla is armed and dangerous,” Dee
Dee replied.
“So what’s next? Do I come to church?”
“Oh, you want to join Phillips?” Mike asked.
“I guess. I like what I’ve seen so far and Sean speaks so highly about you two and your Pastor.”
“Okay. I’ll take care of everything. I have a little pull.” He smiled. “You come by my office tomorrow and I’ll have a new member packet for you.”
“Thank you. Can we keep this between us? I don’t want Sean or Trina to know.”
“I understand. So what’s next?” Mike asked.
“What do I do about Sean?”
“What about him?” Mike asked.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with him.”
“Okay, I know this is a female thing.” He started to leave.