Page 119 of Real Love
“Good one. That will work until you complete the class and graduate. Sure, you don’t have to do the Right Hand of Fellowship, but…”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
Chapter 49
GETTING UP SO EARLY ON Sunday mornings had been a challenge for Kyla. Used to sleeping in until about ten and then taking Winnie for a walk, followed by a bagel and coffee in the park was her old life. Now her Sunday mornings started out very early. Up at five-thirty, quickly walking Winnie, followed by a shower, getting dressed and straight to church.
The new members packet had a Sunday class for two months or two Saturday power sessions. She figured she should get used to attending church on Sunday mornings. On several occasions, she wanted to tell Sean and her mother about the change in her life, but decided to wait until she had completed her classes.
Another reason she opted for the Sunday classes was because Mike was the teacher. She looked at it as having someone to be accountable to. The last thing she wanted was for him or DeeDee to call her about missing class. Today at the end of class, she was told that on next Sunday, she would have the opportunity to receive the Right Hand of Fellowship if she wanted. All the new members were told it was a day to celebrate and to invite their family.
On the way home she wrestled with the thought, and what to do. Her life had changed dramatically in the past few months and she thought it would be nice celebrating the change with her parents. It was Sean she wasn’t too sure about. She reached into her bag for her phone and sent DeeDee a text. “Call me after church. I need some advice. Kyla.”
Kyla walked into Cafe Noir and waited for Sean at their usual table. When he walked in, her stomach jumped. That’s new. She patted her stomach and felt her smile getting wider the closer he got to the table. She was studying him from head to toe.
“What’s with the smile?” he asked.
The server placed the cup and saucer in front of him. “Thank you. So tell me, what’s got you all smiles?”
“Nothing in particular. Seems I’ve finally got a handle on things.”
“So you’re feeling a lot better about Eric?”
“Who?” She smirked.
“Okay.” He nodded. “Is Olivia still calling you?”
He would have to bring her up. “Yes. I’ve tried everything to get her to understand I’m not available, but she insists on meeting with me.”
“Then see her.”
“Are you insane? I can’t do that.” She reached across and broke off a piece of his cookie.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but maybe this is God’s way of getting you to complete the final step in ending things with Eric.”
“Sean, I don’t…”
“Hear me out. You took a huge step by giving him the ultimatum and kicking him to the curb, but you still need to put an end to it. The only way to do that is to confront him or come clean to his wife.” He took a sip from his cup. “Did you find out who referred her?”
“Nope, not yet.”
“What else is going on?” he asked.
“My parents are coming to town this weekend and my mother wants to know if they can go to church with you.”
“Of course. I’ll call Miss Nadine, tonight.”
“No need, I told her I was seeing you today.”
“Is that all?”
“Oh and brunch?”
“Sure, but I was kind of looking forward to Miss Nadine’s mac and cheese.” He patted his stomach.