Page 8 of Falling For Her Boss
“Television?” I really don’t see where that’s necessary, but I’m not going to complain.
“We’ll be working late and I thought it would be a nice treat.”
“Thank you.”
“Feel free to add pictures and anything else to make the space comfortable.”
“Thank you.” It was all a little overwhelming.
“You need to hire a receptionist. There’s a temp in place now, but we need someone permanent. Human Resources will be sending you some options. Select three and give their names to Tony. Once he’s checked them out, you can interview them.”
The past twenty-four hours seemed like a dream. Not only did I have a fabulous new job, my own office, a hot boss, and from the sound of it, I’m about to hire my first employee. Thank you God, this is great.
I tried to stifle my yawns, but I was exhausted. I kept hoping Phillippe would take a nap so I could as well. Unfortunately, he had a long list of things he wanted to discuss. When I went to the restroom, I spotted Tony in one of the chairs asleep. I envied him.
* * *
I tried not to stare at her, but I’m shocked at how beautiful she is. Nowhere in Tony’s report did he mention how beautiful Gabriella is. My last assistant was a pretty woman in her mid sixties. Mrs. Reynolds was more like a mother. However, this woman sitting across from me is a lustful distraction. I’m not sure if this is going to work.
I tried to play off that spark thing, but it was real. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, not even with Chantal.
I’m trying not to stare at her, but those are the sexiest lips I’ve ever seen. Full and juicy. I could watch her talk all day. I wonder how she kisses. Did I just say that? What is wrong with me? She’s not even my type. But her petite frame and those curves are doing something to me. I wonder how her hair looks straight. The curls framing her face make her look sweet and innocent, but those lips…maybe I should send her home and just communicate via the phone and a few video chats. Who am I kidding? That wouldn’t help, because even talking to her on the phone, her face would be in my head and I’d be envisioning those lips.
When I sat down across from her, I was glad she couldn’t see how my body was reacting to being so close to her. How am I going to spend the next month or so on the road with her?
“Turn your iPad off until after take off.” When she looked up at me with those big brown eyes, I was done. I polished off that glass of ice water in one swallow and it didn’t seem like the air was working.
I was exhausted and planned to sleep, but when I saw her, that plan instantly went up in flames. I didn’t want to miss one moment being in her presence.
What is that parfum she’s wearing? It’s taken over the plane. When I wiped my mouth with my napkin, her scent was there. It’s like spicy vanilla and tobacco, unusual for a woman, but very seductive. I’ve never been around a woman as mesmerizing as she is.
“Were you able to reach your mother?” I asked. Maybe hearing her talk about her mother will kill the lustful thoughts I’m having.
“Yes. I promised I’d call when we land.”
No such luck. The sweet sound of her voice traveled into my ear and danced around my head before journeying to my core, awakening something I assumed had become immune to sweet talk. The funny thing is, she didn’t say anything seductive or enticing. It’s just something about her. I can’t quite put my hand on it, although I wouldn’t mind touching every inch of her.
After we reached cruising level, Gil served lunch. I was starving. I drank so much coffee in Seattle, I think if you cut me, I’ll bleed Sumatra roast coffee.
So far the only thing that matches up to the report Tony gave me, is that she’s very smart. Considering the amount of time she had to gather the information I requested, she did very well. I’m convinced she’ll be able to handle any task I assign her.
She caught me off guard with her question. She’s a lot more perceptive than I anticipated, which is what she’ll need working with clients and the other executives. However, I’ve got to be careful not to slip up and make her suspicious of me. I need to keep the truth about her job and my position a secret as long as I can. I want her to be fully trained and comfortable working with me and Tony, before telling her why I really hired her. The longer she believes she was hired to be the Assistant to the new President, the better. She needs to believe there’s someone I report to.
If Tony were awake, I could ask him about his report on Gabriella and the obvious missing facts. At the top of the list, why didn’t he disclose how beautiful she is. It’s as if he thought I wouldn’t want to hire her because I had other intentions for her. I’ve gotta say, he wouldn’t be too far off base.
When it comes to a receptionist, it had better be an older, married woman.
Chapter Four
* * *
Working with Phillippe has been way more than I expected. Turns out, the problem in Seattle was with the building. It had been sold and the new owner wasn’t renewing any of the leases. Instead, they bought out all the leases and gave the tenants one month to vacate. Because Morgan Grant housed half of the building, Phillippe managed to negotiate some extra time, until the temporary space is ready.
We went in and evaluated the current and future needs of Morgan Grant and the other tenants. Then we looked at other possible locations. My job was to compare the cost to buy the buildings in each of the cities we visited, and take over all the leases verses just relocating Morgan Grant to another property. I took all the data, compiled my report, and presented it to Phillippe.