Page 12 of Renegade Path
She gasped and squealed when she pulled out the dark green leather jacket.
“Oh my God, it’s beautiful. So perfect!” She jumped up and slipped it on, zipping it up to her chin. “Am I ready to ride with you now?” she asked her uncle.
He stood and fixed the collar for her. “Gotta get you a helmet and Aunt Suzy’s permission first.”
Juliet rolled her eyes. “Never gonna happen.”
“If not, I promise I’ll take you out for your eighteenth birthday, okay?”
“I’m holding you to it.”
He laughed. “Expect nothing less from you, Julez.”
She sat down and peppered him with questions about his travels, and I gathered she hadn’t seen him in a long time.
“What do you do that keeps you on the road so much?” I blurted out, genuinely curious. Having never been outside of New York State—except for a miserable six weeks at a “youth wilderness camp” in Massachusetts—I was dying to travel and it sounded like Dex did a lot of it.
“Different things,” he answered with practiced evasiveness.
“He does a lot of charity runs with his motorcycle club too, right Uncle Dex?”
His lips twisted into a half-smile. “That’s right.”
My gaze traveled over his black leather vest again, this time taking in some of the patches decorating the front.
Loyal Brother. Lost Kings MC. On the left side. Brother’s Keeper. Respect Few, Fear None. On the right.
Huh. That last one I could definitely relate to.
“You ride, Roman?” Dex asked.
“No, sir. Don’t have a license.” Motorcycles had always interested me. But since the probability of ever being able to afford one seemed about the same as sprouting wings and learning to fly, I didn’t give them much thought on a daily basis. I liked the look of Harleys over crotch-rockets and that was about the extent of my knowledge on the subject.
Since Juliet seemed safe with this guy, I decided I should take off and let them visit.
I stood and picked up my bag. “I should head out. Nice to meet you, sir.”
“You need a ride?” he asked.
“Nah, I’m only a few streets over. Thank you, though.”
Juliet stood, her mouth turning down with unhappiness. “You don’t have to go—”
“No, it’s fine.” I reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a quick squeeze. “I really do need to get home before someone comes looking for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Early?” She batted her lashes and smiled.
Damn did I want to kiss her, but not in front of Dex, who was watching us like a damn cobra about to strike.
“Early,” I promised.
Chapter Eleven
I watched Roman go with a mixture of sadness and guilt. It hadn’t occurred to me that he might need to be back at the home by a particular time. I didn’t want to be responsible for getting him in trouble.
“So, he your boyfriend?” Dex asked as soon as Roman was out of sight.
The stern note in his voice made me proceed with caution. “Just a friend.”
“Seems to like you a whole lot more than just a friend.”
“You think so?” I gushed. Caution be damned.
Dex groaned and sat back. “You’re making me feel old, Julez. Weren’t you eleven last week?”
“Uh, no. Try five years ago.” I thought for a minute about how to express myself. “I like Roman a lot. He’s really kind and thoughtful.”
Dex nodded to my backpack on the floor in front of me. “Noticed that,” he said. I liked the approval in his voice. It was good timing that he saw Roman walking me home. I wanted Dex to like Roman as much as I did.
Even though my cousin Debbie was a lot older than me, she’d been like the big sister I never had. I’d tagged along with her and Dex frequently when I was little. His approval meant something to me.
“Just be careful. Boys his age can’t be trusted.” Dex laughed. “I was one. I remember.”
I rolled my eyes. “He’s really not like that.” I leaned in and lowered my voice. “He tried to kiss me yesterday, but when I said I wasn’t ready, he backed off. He told me today he won’t try again unless I want him to.”
Dex shifted, his gaze darting around the porch. “Why you gotta tell me stuff like this?”
I suppose I could’ve talked about it with Vienna, but I didn’t feel comfortable sharing this with her for some reason. She’d tell me I was silly for turning Roman down or make a joke about how he needs a “real woman.” Both would fire up my temper.
“What should I do?”
“Revisit when you’re twenty-one?” Dex suggested.
“I’m serious.”
He blew out a breath and stared straight ahead as if he was searching for someone out of sight to provide the right words. “What do you want?”
“I want to get to know him more. I like being around him. Talking to him. He really listens. And he’s smart. And he doesn’t mind that I’m smart.” I stopped myself before I crazy-babbled any more silly high school girl stuff.