Page 23 of Renegade Path
“God, yes.” She lowered her voice. “That was amazing. I’ve never felt anything like it.”
I brought my lips to her ear. “Don’t you ever touch yourself?”
She gasped and shook her head slightly. “Never.”
Great, so I was the pervert in this relationship.
I kissed her cheek and along her jaw. “I’d make you feel like that every night, Juliet.” My gaze dropped to the V of her dress. Just low enough to give a glimpse of the creamy swell of her breasts and the valley between. “I’d kiss you everywhere.”
She shivered and closed her eyes.
“Are you cold?”
“No, I’m hot all over.”
I inhaled a long, deep breath, savoring her scent mixed with the sweet spring air. “So am I.”
Finally, I found the strength to move my feet. In front of her house, I kissed her cheek one last time before jogging down the street.
Not toward home. No, that day I felt like I was running away from home.
Chapter Sixteen
I watched Roman sprint down the street, praying he made it home in time. It was almost impossible to swallow over the lump in my throat. I hated it when he left.
My uncle’s truck rolled into the driveway and a knot of fear pulled my stomach tight.
“You messing around with that boy again?” he called out.
Mortification heated my cheeks. The whole neighborhood didn’t need to know the details of my life.
“We’re not messing around. He’s my friend.”
His eyes roamed over my dress, making me wish I hadn’t left my cardigan in my locker.
“I heard he lives in that group home. I want you to stay away from him. And don’t you dare be lettin’ him in my house. He’s probably got criminal tendencies.”
The knot in my belly twisted. Why was he checking up on Roman? How? When? “I don’t let any of my friends in the house.”
“Good. Keep it that way.”
I wanted to run back to school. Or run after Roman. Or run away with Roman.
Unwilling to be alone in the house with my uncle, I puttered around outside until my aunt pulled up. “What are you doing, Juliet?”
I gestured toward the flowerbeds I’d been absently weeding. “Thought I’d get a head start.”
She eyed my dress and grimy hands. “You should’ve changed first.”
“Oh.” I glanced down and a thin laugh escaped me. “I guess so.”
“This is why I don’t like to waste money on nice clothes for you, Juliet.”
I was aware. I’d worn thrift store finds and hand-me-downs forever. Until Dex started slipping me money and gift cards to go clothes shopping and Vienna had let me “borrow” her hand-me-downs. Never mind we weren’t anywhere near the same size.
“Well, go wash up and change so you can help me with dinner.”
“Sure.” I scooped up my bag and wandered inside. My uncle was stretched out on the couch with a bottle of Jim Beam at his side. That was never a good sign. I wondered if he’d lost another job.
If that was the case, I really might run away. I’d had enough of living through their arguments and weeks of his drunken rages when he was out of work. Lots of bad things happened during those times.
I was almost seventeen. Maybe Roman and I could get an apartment like we talked about. We’d need to find jobs. I could work a few hours in the afternoons and still keep up on my schoolwork. Weekends I could work all day and night.
It wasn’t fair for me to expect Roman to do that, though. Except he didn’t seem to love the group home too much. Maybe I’d ask him tomorrow.
I held onto thoughts of tomorrow all through the night. It helped drown out the fighting of my aunt and uncle. One day, this misery would be a distant memory.
One day.
Chapter Seventeen
“Hurry up!” Vienna called.
“I’m coming. Sheesh!” I hiked my backpack over my shoulder and moved faster through the school’s rear parking lot.
Roman had to help out with chores at the house in order to be allowed to go on tomorrow’s class field trip. Vienna decided we should go shopping.
I tossed my backpack behind my seat and folded myself into her car.
“We need to find you something hot to wear,” she declared. “We’re going to be lounging by the pool all afternoon.” She twisted the key in the ignition and the throaty engine of her sports car roared to life.
I clicked my seat belt into place.
The wheels chirped as she took off. “Now, I know you and Roman are all lovey-dovey, but it won’t hurt for him to see that other guys think you’re hot too.”
“I don’t care about other guys.” I hit the button and my window slid down. The wind ruffled through my hair and I closed my eyes.
“I know you don’t, Juliet.” Her voice held the final threads of her patience. “But he should appreciate how lucky he is and see how desirable you are.”