Page 42 of Renegade Path
I swallowed a lump of guilt. “Thanks.”
“Midnight!” he yelled to the others. “You’re late, you’re grounded.”
Everyone groaned but promised to be waiting out front at midnight. I said hello to a few other kids I knew who were hanging around outside. Once Mike drove off, I edged away from the crowd into the shadows. When I was sure no one noticed my disappearance, I sprinted for the park.
Enough moonlight filtered through the trees to illuminate the way. Prom sounds from the school followed me into the woods. A few kids had also snuck away for some “alone time.” Soft moaning and other noises came and went as I jogged along the dirt path that would take me to Juliet.
As I came out on the other side, the glow from one of the upstairs windows of Mrs. Shields’ house caught my attention.
Low, soft lights. Candles?
My cock stirred in my too-tight, rented tuxedo trousers. We hadn’t talked about what exactly we planned to do with our night. I couldn’t deny that I was dying to make love to Juliet. I’d even taken a few of the condoms the counselors kept shoving at me and stuffed them in my pocket. Just in case.
Except, losing our virginity to each other when I couldn’t even spend the whole night with her seemed wrong.
I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.
Almost there.
The lights downstairs winked on and I picked up my pace. By the time I arrived, I’d have sweat rolling down my ass crack, but I was so eager to see her, I didn’t care.
This house-sitting gig of hers made me nervous. I hated that she was alone and unprotected all night. Not that her aunt and uncle provided much protection, but at least she wasn’t by herself.
As promised, she didn’t answer the door until I rang the bell and called her name.
My mind blanked when she appeared in the doorway.
“Juliet.” My gaze roamed over every inch of her slight frame. From shoulders to just above her knees, she was encased in dark red, shimmering lace. The material hugged her curves and glimpses of skin at her shoulders and legs teased me through the lace. It still covered more than most of the girls’ dresses I’d spotted at prom before slipping away. Maybe that’s why it was so much sexier. “You’re beautiful,” I finally added, realizing I was staring at her like a slack-jawed moron.
“And you’re very handsome.” She stepped back. “Come in.”
She’d been house-sitting for over a week now, and I hadn’t come inside once. I'd been convinced we’d lose control and rip each other’s clothes off if given the chance. Now, I cursed myself for being an idiot.
Her breath hitched when I brushed up against her. She peeked up at me from under her long, darkened lashes. She’d obviously spent time on curling her hair and all the other primping girls did for big events. A pang of regret resonated inside my chest. Maybe she’d be sorry we didn’t go to prom after all. It wasn’t too late. I still had my ticket and I could buy her one at the door.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go?” I asked.
She tilted her head. “To prom? Yes. Why?”
“You look so pretty. You must have spent a lot of time getting ready. Seems wrong to waste it on me.”
“It’s not a waste.” She fluffed her hair. “I did this for you.”
Damn, how’d I get so lucky?
She closed the door behind us and nudged me into the living room. “I hung out with Vienna and helped her do her makeup.”
“You’re beautiful every single day.” My gaze roamed over her body from shoulders to toes again. “But you’re breathtaking tonight.”
“Thank you.” She glided over the carpet and flicked on the ancient stereo. Something soft and sultry came over the speakers. On the rare occasion I had a chance to pick the music I listened to, I usually chose something louder, angrier, and darker. This was light, sexy, and infused with hope.
Fitting because that was how I always felt in Juliet’s presence.
“I think those ballroom dancing classes are about to come in handy,” I said.
One corner of Roman’s mouth turned up. “Is that right?”
I offered him my hand and he took it, yanking me closer. His hands slid down, clutching my hips.
“Mr. Hawkins, I believe that’s improper form.”
He chuckled and curled one arm around my waist. “Better?” He twirled me away and pulled me back in before I answered.
“Those jerks at school would’ve made fun of us for using our nerdy dancing skills.”
He snorted. “None of their opinions matter.”
For several more songs we continued dancing. Nothing more than the simple waltz we’d learned in gym.
“Can we dance like this at our wedding?” The words tripped off my tongue without a second thought.
Sure, he’d said he wanted to marry me weeks ago, but he hadn’t mentioned it again. We were way too young to contemplate marriage, but I couldn’t help it. When I thought of my future, I always pictured Roman in my life.