Page 48 of Renegade Path
My body might have been on the van on the way to the group home. But my heart and mind were still in the bed with Juliet.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
One of the reasons I’d wanted to wait was that I knew the second Juliet and I had sex, I wouldn’t want to stop. After our “prom night,” we took any and every opportunity to sneak away for privacy and a quickie.
She was still house-sitting for Mrs. Shields, so most days we raced there and tore each other’s clothes off as soon as we stepped in the front door.
I spent a portion of my next paycheck on a jumbo-sized box of condoms that I stashed in Juliet’s room.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier,” I said as I bent her over a mountain of pillows stacked on the couch for a position the book promised would allow for “deeper penetration.”
“No kidding.” She laughed into her hands then moaned as I pushed into her.
I lightly smacked her ass. “Not just because of this.”
She glanced at me over her shoulder. “I know.”
We ended up on the floor after that. Slow and gentle. Her on top. Side by side. You name it, we tried it.
When I couldn’t put off leaving for work any longer, we got dressed. “Let me make you a sandwich to take to work,” she said.
“I’ll be fine.” Juliet already did enough for me. I hated mooching food off her all the time.
“We take care of each other,” she reminded me as if she knew what I’d been thinking.
She packed up more than just a sandwich for me while I watched. Like always, she added cut up fruit and vegetables. A few cookies. Somehow, she just knew food was scarce at the home and was always trying to feed me.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived here together?” she said over her shoulder.
As if I hadn’t thought the same thing a million times.
I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her to me. “I’d love nothing more. Soon, butterfly. I promise.”
She rubbed her hands over my arms. “I know.”
“I probably won’t be able to afford a place as nice as this—”
“But at least we’ll be together,” she finished for me.
Since she still had Mrs. Shields’ car to use, she drove me to work so I didn’t have to take the bus and risk being late.
I kissed her goodbye and watched her drive off before heading inside.
Ulfric had a line of paint cans waiting for me. “Touch up the building. Ain’t supposed to rain for a few days.”
And that was the extent of the instructions I received for the day.
That suited me fine.
I worked better alone and uninterrupted. Ulfric had let it slip one day that he had hidden cameras stashed all over the place. He waited until after he’d confirmed that I didn’t fuck off while I was working to share that tidbit.
Didn’t matter. Camera or not, I wasn’t a slacker.
In the middle of my shift, I was twelve feet in the air dabbing white paint over bare patches of concrete when I heard the crunch of gravel below. I glanced down and groaned.
“Dex, what are you doing here?” I greeted my surprise visitor.
He smirked at the paintbrush in my hand as I climbed down the ladder. “Very good, kid.” He raised one finger in the air. “First rule of the streets, never let anyone get the jump on you.”
“Uh, okay.” I glanced around. We were way in the suburbs. “This isn’t exactly the streets, Dex.”
He rolled his lips like he was trying to bite back his laughter. “Need you to help me run an errand tonight.”
Was he joking? My gaze skimmed the area. “I’m kinda in the middle of my actual job.”
He grunted at the sarcasm. “Already spoke to Ulfric. He knows you’re leaving with me for a couple hours.”
“A couple of hours?”
“I’ll have you back by curfew, Cinderella.” He cocked his head toward the parking lot. “Come on.”
I unzipped my coveralls and stopped in Ulfric’s office to confirm he was okay with me leaving before walking outside with Dex.
“You’re not gonna make me ride bitch, are you?” I asked.
He snorted. “No, smart-ass.”
Instead of the bike, he led me to a fancy black sports car. “Somehow I expected you to drive a truck.”
“I usually do. Get in.”
“Aren’t you part of an MC? Why can’t any of your buddies help you with this errand?” I asked once we were on the road.
“They’re busy.”
“And I was your next best option?”
“I’ll pay you double what you make the whole night painting cinderblocks.”
I took that as my cue to quit bitching. “Okay.”
After a few miles, he glanced over. “Tonight’s adventure stays between us. Juliet doesn’t need to be involved.”
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Juliet and I weren't in the habit of keeping secrets. But in the end, I figured the less she knew about whatever Dex was into, the safer she probably was.