Page 9 of Shallow River
“So, how did you and my son meet?”
I frown, a little surprised Ryan hadn’t already told her. I assumed Ryan had at least told her all about me.
“School,” I supply, forcing the smile back on my face. “We were in the same American History class together. I noticed him before he ever noticed me.” Fondly, remembering all those times I’d watch Ryan walk in through the doors, laughing and talking with his friends. Sometimes even with another girl. Those moments sucked.
After him and Alison broke up, it took only a couple months before I said fuck it and decided to kick the girl out of her seat and sit next to him. I was a little freshman and he was the big bad senior, girls dripping off his arms like water. Even after I pursued him, it wasn’t until halfway through my sophomore year for him to commit to only me, long after he had graduated. He’d just gotten out of a long relationship and wasn’t ready for another one so soon, he said. He wanted to spend the rest of his college years single.
I had waited for him.
Julie hands me a plate. Anxiety taunts me as I grab the plate with the towel, careful to not smudge it with my fingers. I delicately wipe it dry and set it down with as much grace as I can muster. I’m not normally clumsy, but I’m not usually nervous, either. I don’t handle nerves well.
“He’s a good kid. Both of my boys are,” she says. “It seems you two are in love.”
The compliment sends warmth rushing through my veins. If his mom can see it, then he must really love me, right?
“We are,” I agree.
Someone snorts from behind us. “Yeah, right.”
I nearly drop the plate in my hand. That voice. A different warmth fills my body. It’s a feeling I can’t place, but it shames me anyways. He shouldn’t be making me feel anything.
Carefully setting the plate down, I turn and eye Mako with distaste. Instead of shooting off the mouth like I want to, I turn and give him my back. He means nothing to me.
It wouldn’t make a good impression in front of Ryan’s mother if I get in an argument with her other son. I would never want to embarrass Ryan like that.
“Oh, stop it, Mako,” Julie admonishes lightly, waving a soapy hand in the air to wash away his words. Suds fly off her hand and onto my hand.
“Ryan doesn’t love anyone more than himself,” Mako states dryly, as he reaches in the fridge and grabs a beer. I focus on the suds sizzling on my tanned skin, watching the bubbles pop and slowly disintegrate.
Don’t engage, River. That’s what he wants.
“She’ll be gone soon. Just like the last ones. But I figure she knows that already, since she’s so good at figuring people out.”
MY HEAD SLAMS INTO the wall as a hand encircles my jaw. Ryan’s teeth follow, ravaging my neck until I’m gritting my jaw from the mix of pain and pleasure. I arch my back, moaning while his sharp teeth draws blood to the surface.
“No hickey,” I warn, pushing at his bare chest a little. He just presses into me further, growling at me in warning.
“You’re mine. I’ll do whatever the fuck I please,” he snarls, switching his attack to the other side of my neck.
He bites down particularly hard, drawing a sharp gasp between my lips. It hurts. But I don’t stop him. I want this. I really do. I do, I do, I do.
I dole out my own pain, clawing my nails across his chest. A thigh wedges between my own, and I shamelessly grind on it, drawing out pleasure. More moans slip from my throat, as his hands grip my bare breasts and squeeze. I don’t have enormous tits, but they still overflow Ryan’s hands. He loves that.
Pinching a nipple between his fingers, he rips his mouth away from my neck—finally—and attacks my mouth, thrusting his tongue between my teeth. I swallow him greedily, sending moans circling around our tongues. I grind harder, feeling the beginnings of an orgasm start to build.
I need more, though.
“Fuck me,” I beg between kisses.
He jerks back, glaring intens
ely at me. His blue eyes have darkened into the likes of deep ocean waters. It’s a little off-putting that I can’t discern if it’s from lust or anger. Or maybe a little of both.
“You want me to fuck you? Or do you wish I were Mako instead?” he growls, circling his hand back around my neck and slamming my head roughly against the wall once more. Not hard enough to hurt really, but his aggression is confusing.