Page 18 of Satan's Affair
My eyes widen as a thick film of red-hot rage contorts my vision.
“Not a big deal?” I whisper, shocked by his words.
He stutters, not managing to get a coherent sentence out when he knows he just fucked up. I’m sure he can see it in my face. The absolute stupidity of what he just uttered.
My spine straightens and a calm smile settles on my face.
His words only justify my judgement. Every time I’m proved right, I’m overcome with peace. Breathing out a sigh, I turn and go find my Mace—a long, skinny wooden bat covered in spikes. Normally, it’s used as a prop. Jackal will carry it in his hand sometimes. What no one knows, is that it’s real. The spikes aren’t plastic, but a sharpened metal.
When I return to Gary, he’s still on the floor throwing his pity party. I know it’s going to get uglier once he lays eyes on what’s in my hand. Like clockwork, his eyes bulge and he starts desperately chanting to me.
“No, no, no, please, no,” he wails, tears streaming down his reddened face. I suppose it’s better than the grey.
He still looks like shit, though.
Baine steps closer, his eyes watching intently as I bring the Mace down on his other foot, ensuring no escape from Gary. He screams, his face turning cherry red. His foot is nearly detached from his leg. Blood leaks out in rivulets from the pulpy mess his ankle now is.
Baine fists his cock, the muscle hard and straining beneath his black robe. I smile, feeling my own desire building in the apex of my thighs.
My henchmen were made for me. Each and every one of them.
Deftly, I unbuckle Gary’s belt and pull down his pants. He wriggles, trying his best to dislodge my hands, but he only succeeds in getting them down quicker.
“What are you doing?!” he shouts, panicked.
His boxers come down next, and I nearly gag from the stench.
“Gary. Do you ever wash your ass?” I ask seriously, my face curled with repulsion. I mean, really, when’s the last time this filthy parasite even showered?
I will never understand what Jennifer sees in him. There’s no way she has rose-colored glasses on with him. She has dark, black sunshades on. It’s the only way she can look at Gary and not see something revolting.
Curses are spit at me, but I ignore them. They’re just empty words. How can they mean anything at all when they’re coming from the mouth of a demon?
“You said what you did to Jennifer wasn’t a big deal,” I reiterate. Thrashing desperately, he doesn’t answer. He knows what’s coming.
Baine does, too. His robe has been pulled aside, and in his tightly curled fist, he pumps his cock. Gary pays him no mind, his terror too potent to pay attention to the grim reaper jacking off over his head.
“If you don’t feel raping an innocent flower isn’t a big deal, then I will do you the same honor. Shouldn’t be a big deal, right?” I say, flipping him on his stomach. He looks like a squirming leech.
I squeal with laughter when he starts hyperventilating. “I take it back! I take it back!”
His ass stinks, but it’s a small price to pay. I don’t even bother spreading his flat cheeks. The business end of the Mace is positioned right at his ass, and I shove upwards.
It doesn’t just slide in, though. It takes work and maneuvering.
“Stop! Please, please stop!” I don’t listen. I keep shoving until the Mace finally slithers into his ass. Blood spurts from the wound as I fuck Gary’s ass with the spiked weapon.
“No big deal, right, Gary?” I scream over his shouting, my voice nearly hysteric. I slide the Mace in and out, shivering in delight from the noises his body makes as its ripped apart.
Baine jerks his dick faster, his chin to his chest as he watches the scene with unveiled enchantment. Groans slip from his throat, and soon, cum spurts from his dick, landing on the floor and mixing it with Gary’s blood.
I laugh, though Gary hasn’t even noticed due to his entrails being dragged out from his ass. I drag the bat out, his intestines wrapped around the spikes, and other parts of his innards.
Gary convulses as his entrails slide out of him. Within seconds, his screaming ceases and silence settles over the house. All that’s left is my heavy breathing.
My eyes land on Baine’s bottomless eyes.
“Get the others over here. Now.”