Page 35 of Reckless Hero
“Anna?” I said, so many questions racing through that one word.
“I’m not giving you the boot,” she eventually answered, her voice soft. “In fact, I think it’s something you might like to hear, at least I’m hoping so, anyway… Can we talk after class?”
“Of course. I’m sure we can work out whatever it is,” I said, my mind wondering what she possibly wanted to tell me.
“I hope so,” she said. We both grew quiet for a moment, simply listening to each other breathe before she asked, “So, Mr. James, what are you wearing?”
I chuckled. “Why, Ms. Harper,” I said, lying back on the bed, “are you trying to lure me into having p
hone sex with you? Because I have to tell you, I’d really be into that.”
She laughed, low and sexy. “You would be. Is there anything you’re not into?”
“With you, nothing’s off the table.”
“Ohhh, I like the sound of that. Now, about that phone sex—how long do you think it’ll take you to make me come?”
“Is that a challenge?” I asked, growing hard in anticipation. “Because I am more than up for it.”
It had taken ten minutes before she moaned long and low from across the line. My hand had been beating at my meat, and the sound of her gratification sent me over the edge. The feeling engulfed me and I knew I was about to blow when…
“Mr. James?”
I was suddenly thrust out of the memory when I realized my name was being called.
The professor, along with the rest of the class, was watching me. Some of the other students snickered, making me wonder how long I’d been out of it.
“Are you with us?” the professor asked.
“Yes, sir. Sorry about that.” I was sure my cheeks were as red as they felt. And it didn’t help that my cock was a steel pipe in my pants.
“I would like to remind you to pay attention in this class, Mr. James,” the professor said sternly and then repeated his question.
Luckily, I knew the answer.
An hour later, everyone filed out of the room and I immediately picked up my phone to call Anna.
No answer.
After getting the same result the next three times I tried, worry settled in my gut. I knew how important passing was to Anna; she wouldn’t miss class unless something was wrong.
I was about to dial her number again when the phone rang in my hand.
The number was not recognized by the device, and it wasn’t familiar to me either.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Good afternoon Mr. James. I’m calling from the campus daycare. I’m so sorry, but Garrett is sick. Can you come pick him up? We’ve tried to contact Anna several times but haven’t been able to reach her. Is everything okay?”
“Excuse me?” I said, confused. “I think you have the wrong number.”
“This is Tucker James, isn’t it?”
“Ms. Harper has you as the emergency contact on Garrett’s form.”