Page 2 of Triplets Make Five
But today, there were two new women in the room that I didn’t recognize.
“Did you hear about the guy they’ve gotten to replace Bernard?”
“No. Oh my gosh, have you heard something?”
“Girl. Come on. I cannot believe you haven’t already heard. It came across my desk this morning. They’re announcing the new owner today!”
The two girls were chattering away about the man taking my boss’s place. Instead of putting my earplugs in, I stood by the microwave as I listened to their conversation. They went back and forth with one another, exclaiming underneath their breaths. But what I heard wasn’t good, and it was beginning to make me nervous.
“I hear this Preston Walker guy is a real realty giant.”
“Oh, now that name I do know. He was just seen dating that model woman. What was her name?”
“Trisha Marx. The first ever plus-sized model to appear on the cover of Vogue magazine.”
“A real playboy that one. Last year, he went through a round of up-and-coming actresses. After dating him, they landed these massive contracts that skyrocketed their career.”
“Sounds like his cock has the Midas touch.”
Gross. Were they serious? A man like that could never take over Bernard’s place and do what he did. I had no idea who Preston what’s-his-face was, but it sounded like he would flunk out of his position before he even had a chance to give it a real go. From the way these women were talking about him, he sounded more like a piece of eye candy than a professional businessman.
“You think he’ll date someone once he gets here?”
“Are you kidding? That man’s a prowler. A prep school boy with millions underneath his belt. He’ll scoop someone up in a heartbeat. I think it’s gonna be Gracie from accounting?”
“A guy into a woman who likes numbers? Not a chance. I think he’ll take the front desk secretary first. He likes big racks, right?”
“Marsha? I don’t know, she’s a bit old. Didn’t she turn forty last month?”
Forty was old? Were these women serious?
“What about that investor on the board? Kim Lang?”
“She’s a rail. The women he’s dated have had some sort of fluff somewhere.”
“So that rules you out.”
I listened as they continued to rattle off names on who the new boss would screw around with. It was disgusting and completely inappropriate talk, but part of me was interested. I was waiting for them to rattle off my name. I wanted to know what they would say about me. I wanted to know what their opinion was of me if the boss did chance to look my way.
But as their conversation started to wind down, not once was my name brought up.
Not only was I weird, but I was also invisible. And maybe that would keep me from getting fired once the new guy took his place. Maybe he would be so inundated with dating women that he wouldn't give two thoughts as to the door that sat across from his all the way down the hallway.
Maybe if I was lucky enough, he would think my small little door led to a broom closet and not even bother with me.
The announcement was officially made by the public relations department of Kiefer and Associates just after lunch. The company threw a party in my honor, but it wasn’t anything I was excited about. A few people shook my hand and many of the investors tried to talk me up. They wanted to make a good impression just to make sure their money was put to good use and that I would keep them in mind if the company came into more money than we were expecting. It was typical of a corporate environment, and of course there were the women that kept throwing themselves at me.
It happened everywhere I went.
After the party, I made my way to my office. I pushed through the door and took a look at the expanse of the place. Floor-to-ceiling windows lined the back wall, looking out over the whole of Philadelphia. The massive mahogany desk already had my nameplate sitting on it. ‘Preston Walker, CEO’. Like a heralding parade of trumpets that executed a perfectly-timed rhythm whenever someone walked into my office. It was perfect, and as I walked around the desk and traced the outline with my fingers, the padded leather seat called my name.
I sat down in the seat and relaxed. There was a chair in front of my desk in case I had meetings, but there was an entire sitting area to my left. A gigantic couch, an oversized chair, and a decadent coffee table made up the seating area that could be used for my personal use. I was sure Bernard Hathaway-- the CEO whose place I just took-- had many important meetings there. Investors and new clients and celebrities looking to do business with us.
I just kept thinking about all the women I would have on that couch before my first week of work was accomplished.