Page 47 of Triplets Make Five
I didn’t want that to happen to Preston and I.
“Delilah! Oh my gosh, you look beautiful.”
I was shocked at how well-spirited my mother was.
“Hey, Mom,” I said.
“Where’s my girl?” my father asked. “I want to see how she looks.”
“Hey there, Daddy,” I said.
“Oh, sweetheart. Triplets look good on you,” he said.
My father kissed me on the cheek as Preston stood in the background.
“This must be him, huh?” my mother asked. “He’s a cutie. Way to go, honey.”
“Preston,” my father said. “I’m Phillip.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Kent,” Preston said.
“And I’m Marcia,” my mother said. “It’s wonderful to meet you. Now, the two of you come inside and take a load off. Sweetie, I can only imagine how your feet feel. Mine were killing me by month six, and I was only carrying one.”
I drew in a deep breath as my eyes widened. As far as attitudes went, this was by far the best I’d ever seen on my parents. I looked up at Preston and he grinned back down at me, then his hand pressed into the small of my back. He ushered me into my childhood home as we weaved our way in and out of rooms, eventually dumping out into the living room where I flopped down onto the couch.
“So, you got my daughter pregnant,” my father said.
“Daddy. Cool it,” I said.
“No, no. He has every right to be upset with me,” Preston said.
“It was a two-person job. If he’s upset with you, he’s upset with both of us,” I said.
“Phillip, are you ragging on those kids already?” my mother asked. “At least let them eat first.”
My mother came into the room with two trays of food. One had her famous deviled eggs on them and my mouth began to water. The other tray was a tray of sweets, and that was the one Preston went for. He had a massive sweet tooth and could never resist a bowl of sweets sitting on someone’s desk. So putting a tray of it in front of him was like sitting him at a dessert bar.
“So, Preston. Delilah has told us little to nothing about you,” my mother said.
“How did the two of you meet?” my father asked.
“Wow, she really hasn’t told you anything, has she?” Preston asked.
“Want me to take this one?” I asked.
“I don’t know. It’s a point of pride for me,” Preston said.
I playfully slapped him on his leg as he grinned down at me.
“Did you guys do that online thing? I don’t recommend that. Gets you into trouble,” my father said.
The tension started growing in the room as I rolled my eyes. I leaned up and grabbed a deviled egg, then settled back into the cushions. Usually, my parents were more reserved than this. But I guessed they were wanted to put on a good facade for Preston, so I rolled with it.
“He’s my boss,” I said plainly.
My father’s gaze hardened onto Preston as the two of them stared at one another.
“Did he take advantage of you?” my father asked.