Page 53 of Triplets Make Five
I hung up the phone and ran from my office, not bothering to close it behind me. Pain? Bleeding? What the fuck had happened? I gave Delilah everything she needed before I left the damn apartment this morning? What could she have possibly needed that caused her to move!?
I rushed past everyone and darted for my car. I raced across downtown, blowing by red lights and speeding around corners. I didn’t give a shit if someone caught me. Something was going on with Delilah and no one was getting in my way.
I skidded into the hospital parking lot and came to an abrupt stop. I leapt from the car and raced into the hospital, my eyes scanning the maps. I found the nearest elevator and took it all the way up to the fourth floor, my eyes searching for the room the attendant had given me.
I rounded the corner and saw Delilah lying there, her face pale and her eyes fraught with fear as her parents doted on her.
“I didn’t know they were in town,” Delilah said. “I called them to tell them what was going on and they just said they would be right over.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ve got you now,” Marcia said.
I walked around the bed and pulled up a chair beside Delilah. I took her hand within mine, her eyes cresting with tears. They barreled down her cheek as her face scrunched in pain as her parents loomed over her every move. I could tell she was uncomfortable. Not just with the pain of what looked like labor, but with the fact that her parents were here.
“How long have you guys been in town?” I asked.
“Just a few days,” Phillip said.
“When were you going to inform us you were here?” I asked.
“When Delilah called this past weekend and told us she was on bedrest we flew in. Hoping to be on standby just in case you guys needed anything.”
“But we didn’t know you were here,” I said. “We could have used you. I would’ve rather had the two of you looking over your daughter instead of hiring a stranger to do it.”
“Preston, not now. Please. I-I-I just…I’m scared. Has anyone told you anything?”
“Only that you said you moved to get a water bottle and that’s when it happened. You know you can be honest with me, right? I won’t get upset if you moved.”
“That was all that happened, I swear. I had to stretch a little bit to get to it, but I didn’t move. My feet didn’t even hit the floor. I don’t know what happened, Preston. I’m sorry.”
“Honey, it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. Stop making her feel like she did something wrong,” Phillip said.
“With all due respect, I’m still trying to figure out if you guys are here to bring peace or create derision. So excuse me if I don’t listen,” I said.
Marcia scooted Phillip out of the way and placed an ice chip between Delilah’s teeth. I knew having the comfort of her mother was nice for her, even with how awkward things were right now, but part of me wished it was just us. They were creating unnecessary stress and pressure, even if they
didn’t know it. Even if Delilah didn’t know it, having them here without even knowing they were in town was causing unanswered questions to fester.
Plus, I felt I knew her better than anyone else. Even though they were her parents, I felt like they didn’t understand their daughter. If they did, they would be able to see the unease in her eyes every time they got closer. They would see how she tried to scoot herself closer to me just to get from underneath their looming forms.
I was ready to tell the doctors to escort them out just to give us a moment’s rest.
“Okay, everyone. I have results.”
An older doctor with gray at his temples came walking in as his voice registered in my head.
“Mr. Walker, I assume?”
“Yes. It’s nice to meet you,” I said. “What’s going on? What happened to Delilah?”
“You’re aware she has placenta previa, correct?” the doctor asked.
“No. No we uh…we didn’t know that. Honey, we didn’t know that. Why didn’t you tell us?” Phillip asked.
“Because you and Mom are currently fighting and it’s making me uncomfortable. I still don’t know why you didn’t tell me you guys were in town. Were you lurking or spying or some shit?”
She groaned with another contraction as the doctor began fiddling with her IVs.
“We’re going to be administering terbutaline in order to stop her contractions. Even with the regular steroid shots you’ve been getting, Miss Kent, these babies aren’t ready to come out. Your placenta is still attached to your uterine wall, but it did fall. It’s now covering the entirety of your cervix.”