Page 83 of Triplets Make Five
“Do you design things this extravagantly all the time?” she asked.
“Nope. I save the extravagance for myself. Most people enjoy practical. Practical and minimal is very ‘in’ right now with decorating. But, not for me. I’m someone who enjoys boasting.”
“This, I already figured,” she said, smirking.
“Do you have any plans for the day?” I asked.
“Nope. Today’s a rare day I have off from both of my jobs.”
“A hard-working woman. I can get behind that,” I said.
“You did that last night,” she said, grinning.
I panned my gaze over to her and watched her take a bite of her bacon. Her eyes sparkled with mystery while her grin flashed a hint of mischievousness. I raked my eyes down her body, clocking the way she was turning herself towards me. I saw the skin of her chest flushing underneath my gaze, but the moment I went to go remove her tray from her lap my phone began to ring.
I groaned before I plucked it from my nightstand. She continued to indulge in her breakfast, moaning every so often with how the food simply melted upon her tongue. I looked at the call and saw it was Dave, and I decided to click the ringer off and go back to the main event.
Whatever he had to say could be said to my voicemail.
“Enjoying breakfast?” I asked.
“Very much so. It’s delectable,” she said.
“Just like you.”
“Aren’t you going to eat anything?” she asked.
“Maybe later,” I said as I took a bite of my eggs.
The two of us finished our breakfast and I plucked the tray from her lap. I wheeled the dirty dishes out to the elevator and sent them down to the main floor, then I turned around to head back to my room.
But, as I rounded the corner and back down the hallway, I saw Ella standing there.
With her robe gathered at her feet.
“Miss Ella,” I said. “You look ravishing painted in that milky skin.”
“Why don’t you come take a bite out of it, then?” she asked.
I watched him drop his robe to the floor and it gave me a chance to survey his body. His tanned skin was pulled taut along every single muscle his body had to boast of while his cock grew between his legs. His arms were throbbing, veins bulging from his forearms while his eyes took me in. I shook underneath his gaze while I took deep breaths as I tried to steady my body.
I wanted to take the initiative. I wanted him to know that I enjoyed his body as much as he enjoyed mine. I wanted to look at him while the sun streamed in through the massive windows of his home. I wanted to see his naked body backdropped with the white and gray extravagance of his home. I wanted to envision where I would rake my fingernails so I could mark his body like I knew he’d marked mine.
I could feel his marking throbbing along my back and neck as he slowly approached me.
“You look a little scared, Miss Ella. Is something the matter?”
I felt my hands shaking as he slowly approached me. I started backing down the hallway, moving towards his kitchen while he stalked me like his prey. I’d never felt this way around a man-- I’d always had confidence. I was the black widow, seeking out men I could devour before casting them off to the side.
I felt my back hit the corner of a counter, stopping my body as he slowly closed the gap. His dark eyes hooked on to mine, never letting me go while his muscles slowly came into contact with my reddening skin.
And then, he slowly brought his li